Search Results for: "webcomic"


Capcom Snapshots: Reptiles

Oct 20, 2023 // David Poole

This week’s Capcom Snapshots didn’t scale back on the cold-blooded creatures.

Last week, we put a spotlight on the reptiles of Capcom games and asked for your shares, and we got some really great submissions. Take a look at this week’s Capcom Snapshots!

HibaPlaysGames shares a fun photo of Pirozhko from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

kanon06 shows us a good scaly Dodogama from Monster Hunter: World.

LisaGaming24 shares a close encounter with a killer croc in Resident Evil 5.

TheZodiacKnight makes friends with this nice Aurortle in Monster Hunter Rise.

XNobleboy77 takes a shot at the slithering Snake Man in Mega Man Legacy Collection (Mega Man 3).

profjpg closes us out with a band of Saurians in Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured next week? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next week’s theme: Resident Evil 4!

Please share your Capcom Resident Evil 4 photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, October 25 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots. Time to cause some mayhem!


Exoprimal evolves with a new map, new final mission, and Street Fighter 6 crossover!

Oct 18, 2023 // Kellen Haney
Date of Birth

Capcom Snapshots: Blue

Oct 13, 2023 // David Poole

The first round of Capcom Snapshots really “blue” us away!

Last week, we asked you to share your cool blue Capcom screenshots with us, and you didn’t disappoint. Here are this week’s Capcom Snapshots!

Bryanthedude98 shares a true blue photo of Jill Valentine keeping her cool in Resident Evil 3.

ClaytoonZX shows us their visit to Blizzard Wolfang’s stage with a dashing blue X in Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 (Mega Man X6).

tina_blue_vampire shares a fun blue photo of Luke keeping things cool in Street Fighter 6.

silentgear1 brings a powerful blue image with their picture of Vergil from Devil May Cry 5.

huntersnightmer sends us off with a look at the full moon and starry blue night sky in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreaks Forlorn Arena.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured next week? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

And with that, it’s time for the next theme: Reptiles!

Please share your Capcom game reptile photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, October 18 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots. We can’t wait to sssee what you ssshare!


Show off your Capcom Snapshots!

Oct 06, 2023 // David Poole

Fancy yourself a digital shutterbug? Love Capcom games? Here’s your chance to show us what you’ve got!

Our fans share some of the best content from our games, and we absolutely love seeing the images you capture. We have an extensive library of games over our 40-year history, and it’s your support that inspires us to continue making the games you love.

It’s because of this that we have decided to launch Capcom Snapshots, a new weekly feature that highlights some of that content shared by our fans from around the world.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every Friday, we’ll announce the Capcom Snapshots theme of the week on our blog and social channels (Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook).
  • Once the theme is revealed, share your themed images on your social media using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots.
  • Every Friday, we’ll feature our favorites of the week on our blog and social media channels with credit to the one who shared it, and we’ll also announce the next theme.

Themes can be broad like a game title or a mood, or they can be more specific like a character or location. Whatever you feel fits the theme best is what we want to see. If the game features a photo mode, we highly encourage using it, but that doesn’t mean you have to only use games that have the feature.

We also ask that to remain eligible to be featured, you must follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

With that being said, let’s kick things off with our first Capcom Snapshots theme: Blue!

Please share by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, October 11 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots. We look forward to seeing the photos you come up with!


A.K.I. has slithered in to Street Fighter 6!

Sep 28, 2023 // Andy Wong

A.K.I., the maniacal mistress of poison, has slithered her way into Street Fighter 6.

Feeding off orders from her master, A.K.I. injects poison into enemies that dare stand within striking distance – all with a smile. You can’t fix her, but she will fix you.

A new character to the Street Fighter series, A.K.I. snakes through life only to please her outstanding, perfect, and phenomenal master F.A.N.G (He’s so charming!) from Street Fighter V. Under orders to dig into the remnants of Shadaloo, she finds herself infatuated with the powers that be.

In World Tour, help A.K.I. find her herbal medicine in Tian Hong Yuan, a new area where you can increase your bond with her and learn her deadly moves. Put those moves to use in the Battle Hub in the ever popular and always wacky Avatar Battles. How can the addition of poison improve your custom combos?

Game Director Takayuki Nakayama spoke on the team’s inspiration on designing a visually striking character like A.K.I.

“The character design we landed on was a pale-skinned disciple with her fighting style being a combination of the Poison Hand and the Fanged Snake Style martial arts. Therefore, we decided to proceed with A.K.I. being a white snake that carries poison.

Her snakeskin Chinese dress has a beautiful sheen like a black mamba with material that looks ominous when it shines and animates. The serpentine pattern you see from her chest to her stomach was meant to resemble the belly of a snake.

Her distinctive hairstyle was an idea that came from outside of the design team, which incorporates the symbol of an assassin: “kasa” (umbrella in Japanese) through her hair. Based on this concept, we tweaked the way her eyes hide behind her hair and the overall silhouette. We took extra care in making the silhouette of the collar and the way her eyes are hidden to look alluring when viewed from the side.”

A.K.I. has learned from her master (He’s so illustrious!) about the best uses for poison, but her nails offer a twisted reminder that she is a different creature altogether. Excelling at long-range combat and with the ability to poison enemies through her cauldron of tricks, A.K.I. controls the stage waiting for her prey to blink.

Like F.A.N.G (He’s so brilliant!), once A.K.I. poisons an enemy, their vitality will slowly deplete as long as the effect remains. If A.K.I. gets hit, the poison will dissipate. From a distance, she can use Serpent Lash, where she sends her nails flying forward like a chain, poisoning enemies she hits. The OD version of Serpent Lash will hook on to enemies, allowing A.K.I. to hop forward to close the distance. When she strikes an opponent who is already poisoned with moves like Serpent Lash, a Toxic Blossom will trigger where the resulting explosion can open enemies up to follow-up attacks.

Her fireball, Nightshade Pulse, sends a bubble forward that also poisons enemies on hit. She can strike the bubble with Nightshade Chaser to pop it in advance, increasing the area of effect. A.K.I. can also use Orchid Spring to place a puddle of poison in front of her, which will affect opponents who step in it.

Snakes always lurk where their prey can’t see them. A.K.I. can use Cruel Fate to flip backwards toward enemies, sending her nails to strike from above. Like a contortionist, she can instantly coil to the ground and under enemies with Snake Step.

A.K.I. takes this even further with Sinister Slide, where she can slither from full screen to avoid threats while stalking forward. From Sinister Slide, she can perform three actions: Venomous Fang sees her leaping forward to poison enemies, Heel Strike can start combos on a successful hit, and Entrapment is a command throw where she wraps her body around enemies to constrict them.

A.K.I.’s Level 1 Super Deadly Implication launches enemies in the air with a kick and traps them in a gigantic poisonous bubble, leaving them across the stage. Her Level 2 Super Tainted Talons extends multiple talons forward and leaves a large pool of poison in its wake that lasts for a significant amount of time.

During A.K.I.’s Level 3 Super, Claws of Ya Zi, she pierces various pressure points on the enemy’s body and injects a poison that detonates from within. Getting tied up in these chains will see you screaming in agony.

A.K.I. will be unlocked for owners of the Year 1 Character Pass, Deluxe Edition, or Ultimate Edition on September 27.


Hammerheads HQ #6 – Five More Alpha Variant Previews!

Aug 10, 2023 // Kellen Haney

Hey Exofighters,
Welcome to Hammerheads HQ #6! Following on from last week’s blog post that revealed 34 new Modules and detailed 4 Alpha Variant exosuits — as well as how you’ll unlock them in Title Update 1 — we’re back a little earlier than usual with previews on the remaining 5 Alpha suits!

That’s a lot of suits to talk about, so let’s charge in to today’s post like a Pachycephalosaurus that’s just spotted you standing right by a ledge. Over to you, Director Hiraoka!

Director Combat Data – Alpha Variant Intel: Part 2

Murasame Alpha: Frost Glaive

Hello again, everyone!

Murasame may be a tank, but it’s also a more proactive fighter than its fellow tanks Roadblock and Krieger, largely thanks to the Kiri-Ichimoji attack which slashes all the enemies around it.

For its Alpha variant, Murasame’s weapon has changed to Itadorimaru, which trades off lower damage output for the ability to freeze enemies in place. This makes it easier for the rest of your team to focus their attacks. This means that it’s more optimal than ever to stay close to your team, since there’s no point freezing enemies somewhere your teammates can’t get to them.

Since the slippery ice effect of the counter-attack travels forward and away from Murasame, you also have the added strategic consideration of which direction to aim for.

Barrage Alpha: Rocket Hot

By default, Barrage uses a grenade launcher called the Skipbomber which fires projectiles in a parabola. It’s a little tricky to aim, but you don’t need to hit enemies exactly since the explosions spread out on impact. The grenades set enemies on fire, as well, so using Skipbomber and Triple Threat to keep dinosaurs ablaze as much as possible is the basic strategy for Barrage.

The Alpha variant of Barrage uses Bounce Blaster, a rocket launcher. This differs from the grenade launcher in that rockets travel in a straight line towards their target, so you can aim more easily and directly. However, there’s a trade-off. Rockets detonate directly on impact, so you will actually have to try to hit the enemy rather than aiming in its general direction as you would with the Skipbomber.

You can also charge up rockets, which not only increases their damage output, but adds a knockback effect during PvP against enemy Exofighters. Taking the right chances to let loose a charged shot is vital.

Also, the fire effect of the grenades is not present by default on the rockets, so if you want to set those dinos ablaze, you’ll need to restore this effect using modules or simply through good old-fashioned teamwork.

Nimbus Alpha: Double Barrel

Playing as Nimbus involves switching between Attack and Support modes. Its default skill, Mars & Apollo, uses twin long-range pistols which necessitate positioning oneself to offer effective team support from a safe distance. Even while at a distance, Holo Warp allows the player to rush to the aid of a downed teammate to revive them.

In its Alpha variant, Nimbus is equipped with dual shotguns called Bellona and Hygieia. As you might imagine, shotguns require much closer-range combat to maximize their effectiveness, which changes up the play style of Nimbus quite a lot and requires the player to stay physically closer to their team. This has its risks and rewards as increased proximity may get you into danger, but you have higher-powered firearms to get you out of those close encounters. Definitely give it a try!

Deadeye Alpha: Burst Fire

Deadeye’s default variant is a versatile suit that uses an assault rifle, the Ravager, to offer a pick-up-and-play combat experience for any player. It’s mainly focused on mid- to long-range attacks which require skillful positioning, but even at close range, the Ravager and Thrust Attack are effective tools in any situation. To put it bluntly, this suit is a “Jack of all trades” in the best possible way.

By contrast, the Alpha variant of Deadeye uses a different weapon called the Aggressor, which switches between a short-range spread attack and a down-the-sights five-shot burst useful at mid- to long-range. You’ll have to make snap decisions about which mode to use depending on your distance from the enemy, but if you pick the right mode for the right rage, you’ll be rewarded with firepower that exceeds the default Deadeye suit. Specialization has its rewards!

One thing to note about the Aggressor is that its burst-fire mode feels quite different from the default Ravager, and requires more precise aiming. Hitting your target feels really great with this weapon!

Vigilant Alpha: Marksman

Vigilant is by default a pure sniper, using charged Railgun shots to deliver hits with pinpoint precision. Since all of its active skills are on the slower side, positioning and accuracy are key to its effective use.

This charging ability is gone when using the Alpha variant of Vigilant, replaced with a rapid-fire capability on its Preyfinder weapon. You’ll still want to aim precisely at enemy weak points, but with faster shots you can afford to be a little more trigger-happy and adjust your aim as you attack.

Preyfinder is a semi-automatic rifle, and one in every five shots is extra-powerful, so you’ll want to make sure that one is going to hit its mark when you pull the trigger. It’s easier to fire off the hip than the default, so you’ll find Vigilant Alpha handy in close-quarters combat as well.

Intel Summary

Exofighters, this concludes Director Hiraoka’s previews of all 10 new Alpha Variant exosuits coming to Exoprimal in Title Update 1 on August 16th, bringing the total selection of available suits to 20!

If you missed out on our previous posts, you can learn more about the other Alpha Variant suits in Hammerheads HQ #4 and Hammerheads HQ #5!

As a reminder, in order to access the Alpha Variants, you’ll need to get the base version of the exosuits you want to unlock to level 20!

We look forward to seeing your thrilling combat data from both Dino Survival and Savage Gauntlet with these new additions.

Stand by for combat mission

That wraps up the latest Hammerheads HQ post!
August 16th and Title Update 1 is rapidly approaching, so it won’t be long until you’re collecting high-quality combat data in your shiny new exosuits.

We’ll be back again in the near future with our next community blog post!

In the meantime, follow Exoprimal on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the Capcom TikTok for the latest Exoprimal info!

Thanks, Exofighters, see you in the wargames!


Hammerheads HQ #5 – More Alpha Variant Suit Previews, Unlock Info and New Modules!

Aug 04, 2023 // Kellen Haney

Hey Exofighters, welcome to Hammerheads HQ #5!

For those of you that have completed Exoprimal’s story, we hope you enjoyed your time with last weekend’s Savage Gauntlet Trail 1! That was a lot of T. rexes for Downtown!

In today’s post, we’re taking a look forward as we prepare for Title Update 1’s arrival on August 16th, bringing Alpha variant suits as well as new modules with it. We’ve got fresh details on how you’ll unlock Alpha Variant exosuits, as well as detailed new info straight from Exoprimal’s Director Hiraoka on the new modules as well as four of the Alpha variant suits!

New Modules and more Alpha Variant Suits

Title Update 1’s new variant suits change the combat range and strategy of each of the default suits by giving them different weapons, so we took a moment to speak with Exoprimal’s Director Hiraoka to get the finest of combat data on these upcoming additions.

But, before we talk about the suits themselves, let’s confirm how you’ll unlock them!

Unlocking Alpha Variant Exosuits

Once Title Update 1 is live, all 10 of the Alpha variant exosuits will be available to unlock and use in the wargames. To unlock and use the Alpha version of a given suit, you’ll need to get the base version of that exosuit to suit level 20. If you already have your favorite exosuits at level 20 or higher, you’ll be able to immediately access the Alpha versions for use in the wargames.

Now you know how to unlock the new exosuits, let’s see what exciting new info Director Hiraoka has to share on the new modules and a selection of the Alpha variant suits!

Director Combat Data – Additional Modules

Hey everyone!

Title Update 1 will see the addition of new modules. This includes the base modules that any suit can equip, suit-specific modules for the Alpha variant suits, and action modules that either the default or Alpha variant suits can use.

These modules can be unlocked by raising your level. For base modules, this means your player level, while for the suit and action modules, you need to level up the relevant Alpha variant suit.

Let’s take a look at one of each type module.

The Renewal base module increases the HP that friendly suits will have after you recall them during battle when they are downed. Equipping this module on a tougher Tank suit or, say, Nimbus, which can use its Holo Warp to quickly reach downed allies, is sure to help your team shore up its front line defenses.

Next is the D – Linear Thrust action module for Deadeye. Equipping this lets you repulse enemy Exofighters and small dinosaurs when using the charged Thrust Attack. It’s almost as if Deadeye is able to use Zephyr’s Linear Strike! This module can be equipped by both the standard and Alpha variant of Deadeye.

A total of 34 new module are being added in this update, so I hope you look forward to trying them out on both kinds of suit and coming up with new loadouts and strategies!

Director Combat Data – Alpha Variant Intel

Zephyr Alpha: Energy Chakram

The default Zephyr is specialized for melee attacks, and you need to get close to enemies in order to hit them with its Tonfa Blitz attack. Since the suit has low HP,  you need to make good use of Turbine Step to avoid taking damage. Another key factor in using this suit effectively is keeping an eye on the cooldowns of Linear Strike and Sky High, and using those moves at just the right moments when you need a burst of attack power.

In contrast to the close range style of the standard suit, Zephyr’s Alpha variant is more mid-range and uses the chakram on its arms to shoot energy halos. These have a critical distance at which they can do the most damage, so unlike the default suit, you’ll want to manage your distance from the enemy and not be too close-up.

Since Linear Strike or Sky High won’t connect at a distance from your foes, Turbine Step changes from a dodge move to a gap-closer that lets you take advantage of opportunities to get up close, use melee moves, and then get back to your critical striking distance.

Roadblock Alpha: Fortress Shield

Roadblock in its default form is the epitome of the Tank role, drawing in enemies with its taunt and taking their attacks for the team. Using its shield to hold back hordes of Raptors or a Triceratops is one of those quintessential Exoprimal moments that makes this such a reliable exosuit.

While the default Roadblock is designed to become the frontline, the Alpha Variant lets you place a shield called a Sentinel Wall to create that line. This means you can draw enemies in towards your shield while you yourself move to another position, and your strategy is centered on where to place the shield rather than where you should be.

Retrieving the shield causes it to explode and damage nearby enemies, so choosing the right moment to do so is a fun and useful technique!

Krieger Alpha: Charge Shotgun

Krieger’s default K-40 Repulsor Minigun is effective at suppressing enemies using its wide-range firepower, and its active skills Dome Shield and Stunlock Missile work well in combination to stop an enemy onslaught in its tracks.

For the Alpha Variant, we’ve replaced its weapon with the A-40 Pulverizer, a massive shotgun. Each shot is more powerful than those of the minigun, but the ability to charge shots is the most unique aspect of this weapon.

Uncharged shots have a wider spread, allowing you to damage multiple enemies in front of you, while charged shots compress the shot into a pinpoint attack on a specific spot which not only causes damage but can even knock smaller enemies back. This makes Krieger’s Alpha variant great at tackling specific enemies that need to be taken care of.

Witchdoctor Alpha: Duality Beam

Witchdoctor’s default Neuro Rod generates electricity that has a paralyzing effect across a wide area, so it doesn’t require especially precise aiming to be effective. This lets players focus more on their positioning relative to their teammates and the timing at which to use this move.

This contrasts with the Alpha Variant of Witchdoctor, which uses a Quantum Rod. It’s a bit more like Skywave’s Aether Lance in that it both damages enemies and heals allies. Its range is also changed to be a direct beam, so players will need to be more precise about who they are aiming their attack or heal at. That said, even its normal attacks have a healing effect on allies, so if you position yourself well, you’ll be able to put out more heals than with the default suit.

In addition, the longer you keep attacking an enemy, the strong the effect becomes, so moving around to keep your beam focused on one enemy will become a crucial technique on the battlefield.

Intel Summary

That was quite an intel drop from Director Hiraoka! So, to summarize:

  • 34 new modules, some that work with both base and Alpha suits, with others are designed specifically for Alpha variants.
  • Alpha variant suits have new weapons to carve out dynamic new strategies.
  • Unlock a suit’s Alpha Variants by getting the base version of the suit to level 20.
  • Total playable exosuits are being doubled from 10 to 20 on August 16th!

The wargames are evolving. We look forward to seeing how you incorporate these new exosuits in your battles against the dinosaurs and rival exofighters.

Stand by for Dimensional Integration

That wraps up the latest Hammerheads HQ post!

We hope you all enjoyed this deeper dive into the new content coming to the game as part of Title Update 1!  

We’ll be back again soon for our next community post, as Director Hiraoka details the remaining Alpha Exosuits ahead of their arrival!

In the meantime, follow Exoprimal on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest Exoprimal news.

On behalf of the Exoprimal community team, thanks, Exofighters, and we’ll see you in the wargames!


Hammerheads HQ #4 – Launch, Savage Gauntlet & Alpha Variant Suit Preview!

Jul 21, 2023 // Andy Wong

Exoprimal is live and the dinosaurs have arrived! We trust you’ve been collecting the finest quality combat data for Leviathan, whilst avoiding being turned into a crunch dino snack! From everyone on the team, we’d like to say a big thank you for your amazing support, passion and feedback since launch!

In today’s post we’re going to be chatting launch, taking a look at the upcoming Savage Gauntlet PvE exclusive mode and even getting a first deep dive into one of the new Alpha Variant Exosuits coming as part of free Title Update 1 in August!

Exoprimal Launch – Carnage Module Online

To echo what we said in the post’s opening, thank you to everyone who has already joined us in the wargames! We hope you’re having a ton of fun as you clash with dinosaurs and Exosuits alike.

For those of you who have suited up for the first time and dived into your first couple of matches, the wargames will evolve as you play through Exoprimal and discover more of its story. Completing your introductory wargames and initial progress of the Analysis Map will add additional dinosaurs, increased swarm density, new locations, more Final Missions, and even greater threats.

After all, Leviathan can’t have its favourite test subjects getting devoured immediately! But fear not, once you’ve got your first few wargames completed and the Analysis Map updated; Leviathan, *REDACTED* and the dinosaurs won’t hold back as the swarms turn your mini-map red and your screen a writhing mass of teeth and claws.

But this is just the start of your time with the Hammerheads and Leviathan’s wargames! Let’s take a look at what’s on the horizon:

That’s right, new Exosuit variants, maps, Final Missions, Capcom Collabs and more are on the way!

Let’s delve into a bit of what’s coming now.

Savage Gauntlet – Endgame PvE Challenges

Get ready for Savage Gauntlet, a dynamic new mode coming to Exoprimal on July 28!

A separate mode from Dino Survival, Savage Gauntlet is a pure PvE mode designed to put veteran 5-person Exofighter teams to the test in special rotating weekly missions.

It’s just you, your team of 5 and the dinosaurs. No rival Exofighters, no dominator. What will determine your success is mastery of your exosuits and your teamwork as you take on endgame content specifically designed with encounters and challenges on the upper end of the difficulty spectrum.

You can play this mode purely for fun and to test your team in high intensity PvE dino chaos, but this mode also comes with leaderboards! So, if you’re feeling competitive you can show exofighters from dimensions far and wide just how strong and robust your combat data generating skills are!

As mentioned, these missions will rotate each week, bringing with it new dino encounters for you to overcome and a fresh leaderboard to climb!

Savage Gauntlet is an endgame experience with difficulty that reflects that and as such, will be unlocked for exofighters who have completed the game’s story.

A Message from the Director – Skywave Alpha Variant Intel!

On August 16, free Title Update 1 comes to Exoprimal and with it 10 new Alpha Variant exosuits, one for each current suit – no one’s missing out!

Each Alpha Variant exosuit has new playstyles, weapons, abilities and looks! We’ve spoken to the game’s director, Takuro Hiraoka, and got a deeper look into one of the suits, Skywave.

The concept of the variant suits is giving them different weapons to bring new range and strategy to each one compared to the base suits,” he explained before going into more detail using Skywave as an example.

By default, Skywave has abilities that allow it to attack or interfere with enemies while healing allies, including its default weapon the Aether Lance, and the active skill Optics Jammer. So the main strategy when using this Exosuit is deciding whether to be attacking or healing at any given time.

However, the Alpha variant’s main weapon is the Tempest Lance, which allows you to choose between two different moves depending on whether or not you’ve charged the attack up: an offensive attack or a charged bolt which hampers enemy movement. This means players will have to switch between using their main weapon on enemies and their active skill when they want to heal their allies. So, all in all, you have to get into quite a different strategic mindset with the Alpha, which I think should be a lot of fun.

Skywave is categorised as a Support suit, but the Alpha variant has less of a focus on healing, so I expect to see this lead to some changes in team composition as well as players rethinking their rig loadout to perhaps add in more support functions.

Stand by for combat mission

That wraps up the latest Hammerheads HQ post!

We hope you’re all having a brilliant time with the wargames and thank you again for joining us in the battles against the dino threat!  

We’ll be back again in the near future for our next community post, but in the meantime, follow Exoprimal on Twitter and like us on Facebook for the latest Exoprimal news.

If you’re keen to see a little more of the Alpha Variant suits, you can get a little look at them in action here:

Thanks, Exofighters, see you in the wargames!

  • Exoprimal Community Team

Exosuits and dinosaurs clash in Exoprimal, out now!

Jul 14, 2023 // Kellen Haney

Welcome to the wargames.
Teams of five players face off against overwhelming dinosaur hordes, terrifying Neosaurs, and even opposing squads in a battle of the ages!

Welcome to Bikitoa Island

People. Technology. Under threat. From dinosaurs. Set against the backdrop of a near-future world, humanity has been pushed to the brink by a strange phenomenon: swarms of dinosaurs pouring from vortexes that seem to appear at any time and in any place. Thanks to the efforts of the Aibius Corporation, their next-generation artificial intelligence, Leviathan, and the variety of powered armor called Exosuits that they’ve developed, skilled Exosuit pilots known as Exofighters are well-equipped to jump into danger and exterminate these threatening dinosaur hordes.

Meanwhile, an Exofighter patrol unit known as “The Hammerheads” has been circling the mysterious Bikitoa Island for weeks, unaware that their daily uneventful patrol is about to put them on a crash course with the truth about Bikitoa Island, Leviathan, the Aibius Corporation, and possibly even the cause of the dinosaur outbreaks… if Ace, their star Exofighter, can survive long enough, that is.

A Race for Survival

In the game’s main mode, Dino Survival, you’ll be thrust into a series of life-or-death wargames run by the next-generation artificial intelligence, Leviathan, who will put squads to the test with ever-evolving missions in a race against an opposing team. As you play, you’ll also unlock data fragments that will help unravel the mysteries of the world of Exoprimal and help The Hammerheads achieve their ultimate goal of escaping Bikitoa Island. At its core, Exoprimal is all about working together with your five-person squad to adapt to ever-changing conditions. Both your Exosuit and your rig – an attachment that grants an extra ability – can be swapped out at any time during a match to adapt and overcome the challenges that lay ahead of you. You’ll need to be adaptable facing the many threats ahead, which include super swarms made up of thousands of raptors, terrifying creatures called Neosaurs that have been mutated on their trip through time, or even opposing squads of Exofighters!

With that in mind, at launch the game will include a feature that was added thanks to player feedback. The Final Mission Selection feature gives players three preference settings for matchmaking in Dino Survival that can influence how a match ends: PvP, PvE, and Random. When PvP is selected, opposing squads may be put in direct competition with each other to see which team will survive and which team will be flagged for… mortal sunset. Meanwhile, when PvE is selected, you’re likely to see matches where a winner is decided based on which squad completes their objectives the fastest. Exofighters who are ready to mix it up can select Random, which will also provide an experience point bonus. You can change this setting at any time before starting matchmaking for a Dino Survival match, and it won’t affect your story progress, so select whatever suits your mood!

Crush Your Metrics

On July 28th, we’ll also be adding a new mode to the game called Savage Gauntlet. This challenging PvE mode puts squads to the test with late-game missions that rotate weekly. Savage Gauntlet is designed with experienced players in mind, so you’ll need to have completed the game’s story before you can unlock it. By then, you should have a good understanding of how Exosuits work along with the module system that allows you to customize each Exosuit’s performance to your liking. Modules are powerful enhancements that can be slotted in to provide passive buffs or, in some cases, change how a suit’s abilities work. Certain modules are universal, so you can use them across multiple Exosuits as well!

Each Savage Gauntlet mission can be played multiple times, so it’s a great opportunity to get a trusty squad together, take your favorite Exosuits to the next level with modules, and go for the best time possible. Outstanding Exofighters may even be rewarded for their efforts.

Dino-mite Content Updates

Following Exoprimal’s launch, each new in-game season will be accompanied by a free Title Update! Each season brings with it a new Survival Pass, while Title Updates introduce additional contents such as Exosuit variants, modules that customize how Exosuits play, maps, enemies, final missions, and even crossover content with other Capcom franchises!

Seasonal content kicks off with Season 1 at launch on July 14th, and, as mentioned previously, you’ll see a new game mode called Savage Gauntlet added on July 28th. On August 17th, Exoprimal will see its first major Title Update! This free update introduces 10 Alpha variant Exosuits that change up how each suit plays, complete with alternate designs and weapons compared to their base models. The best part? They’ll all be available at once, adding a whole new dimension to gameplay.

Season 2 kicks off in mid-October and brings the next Title Update along with it. World Warriors and time travelers will collide with a Street Fighter 6 collaboration. You’ll also see a new map, a new final mission, and additional rigs (weapons and abilities that you can change out at-will during a match) and modules that will authorize even further customization of your Exosuits.

In January 2024, Season 3 will include a monstrous content drop. Beta variants for Exosuits will be added while also introducing a major new foe, the Neo Triceratops, plus a collaboration with the Monster Hunter series! We’ll have more information on that in a future update.

Exoprimal is out now on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Steam. The game is also available starting today with Xbox Game Pass for console, PC, and Cloud. It’s time to suit up, adapt, and survive! We’ll see you in the war games – it’ll be massively fun!


Rashid flies into Street Fighter 6 on July 24!

Jul 06, 2023 // Andy Wong

Rashid of the Turbulent Wind makes his Street Fighter 6 debut on July 24. With a whirlwind of moves that will send him soaring, Rashid leaves all opponents in the dust.

First appearing in Street Fighter V, Rashid returns to the series searching for a new outlook in life. Having an epiphany, he realizes he wants to find the strongest warriors out there and to record what their meaning of strength looks like. So starts his journey to becoming a vlogger, always carrying around his trusty camera to livestream and capture the spirit of strength.

Rashid retains much of his previous move set from Street Fighter V, but the winds of change have blown in a gift of new moves. Rashid’s trademark ability to soar throughout the stage from all angles is intact, but with even more options to bring about the hurricane.

His unique fighting style is characterized by parkour and nimble movements while also utilizing whirlwinds/air currents to trifle with his opponents. He has many techniques to attack while moving forward, and has a unique Run action that is used from a forward step, giving him plenty of ways to approach his opponents.

For example, Arabian Cyclone is a new special move that can be used on its own where Rashid performs a spinning kick conjuring up a small whirlwind, and can also perform into Rolling Assault and Wing Stroke, which were previously available as V-Skills in Street Fighter V.

As for other additions, Rashid has a feature that allows him to improve his mobility and enhance his moves by creating and using a whirlwind/air current. Rashid’s V-Trigger I from Street Fighter V, where he summons a large advancing whirlwind, is now his Level 2 Super, Ysaar. Like its previous iteration, when some of Rashid’s special moves meet the large whirlwind, their properties change.

Rashid also has a double jump with the new Arabian Skyhigh to keep opponents guessing on where he’ll land from the air. Finally Rashid can switch sides with Side Flip, which can also be followed up with a Front Flip to take Rashid into the air once again. He wants you to capture his best angles, after all.

Super Rashid Kick is his Level 1 Super where Rashid offloads a devastating kick while soaring forward and up through the air.

Altair returns as Rashid’s Level 3 Super where he twirls around and summons a tempest that lifts up opponents before he barrages them with a monsoon of powerful blows.

Meet Rashid in World Tour where your avatar can learn his moves, speak to him about his life, and increase your bond with him through presents and missions. Max out your bond with Rashid to obtain his Outfit 2, which should look familiar to fans of his.

Rashid will be unlocked for owners of the Year 1 Character Pass on July 24. By proxy, this also means anyone with the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition! If you’re on the fence, try out Rashid for free for one hour with one Rental Fighter ticket, which can be obtained in the Fighting Pass. Speaking of the Fighting Pass, the Rashid Arrives! Fighting Pass is available now until July 23, featuring items and cosmetics themed around our favorite new Footuber.

The storm alert has now been issued for July 24 when Rashid joins Street Fighter 6.