Search Results for: "webcomic"


Capcom Pet of the Month: March 2024

Mar 06, 2024 // David Poole

March is here, and the next Capcom Pet of the Month wants to say hello!

This guy’s name is Miso, also known as Miso Bear. He is a 3-year-old rescue dog from Korea, brought by plane to the U.S. to meet his forever family. He is a Korean Jindo mix, although his parents have yet to get a doggie DNA test to figure out what his mix is. Nevertheless, he is a very loyal, protective boy who can also be very timid and skittish at the same time.

Despite his skittery tendencies, Miso is still a very captivating canine. Some of you may recognize him from his appearances on our Capcom TikTok channel. Whether he’s accepting his good boy petting, or offering his condolences at the end of a beta, Miso will always be sure to warm your heart.

As for daily activities, Miso loves to follow his mom around, bother his dad while he’s sleeping, watch dogs on TV, and get all the cuddles, hugs, and scritches he can get. He prefers doggie daycare over dog parks and he loves playing with his toys independently. When he gets excited to go out for a walk, he’ll happily spin in circles to prepare for his small journey.

Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to see the next Capcom Pet of the Month!


Capcom Snapshots: Fight!

Mar 01, 2024 // David Poole

Capcom Cup X may be over, but we’re keeping the fighting spirit with these Capcom Snapshots!

Two weeks ago, to celebrate Capcom Cup X, we asked for some of your best fighting images. While the event focused mainly on Street Fighter 6, we’ve found some great fighting images from other titles as well. Check them out below!

tmma1869 shows that a fight can have a little fun with Luke taunting his rival, Jamie, in Street Fighter 6.

NeroAngelo31245 shares a bout between the brothers Dante and Vergil in Devil May Cry 5.

ZombieHipHop takes on the winning Capcom Cup X fighter, Juri, using a very inspired avatar in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour.

ResidentEvilIX brings us into the fray of a knife fight between Leon and Krauser in Resider Evil 4.

Nuriko_SF6 jumps into action with Zangief in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour.

silentgear1 closes things out with a Shoryuken in this Street Fighter inspired shot from Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Ed!

Now that Ed is out, along with some new photo mode options, use this opportunity to truly show off this psycho-powered puncher! Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, March 13 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight.


Celebrating Black History Month with Capcom Creators 2024!

Feb 28, 2024 // Andy Wong

In this last day of February, we’re celebrating Black History Month and the Black Capcom Creators community. Take a moment to get to know these talented creators and what this month has meant to them.

NAME: BigCheese

Pronouns: He/Him

Tell us a little about yourself! When did you start making content and why? How long have you been doing this? What is your main platform (Twitch, YT, TikTok)?

I started making content in 2006. 18 Years. Twitch

What was your first Capcom game?

Mega Man

Why is representation important?

It’s important to never forget who you are and to represent yourself to the fullest. While we are looking for equality, we also don’t want to be lost looking for it.

How do you envision the future of gaming?

Where everyone can play their favorite games in peace.

What is your advice for people getting started in content creation?  

Have fun and make an impact.

What are your Twitter and Instagram handles?



NAME: MidnightPursona

Pronouns: She/Her

Tell us a little about yourself! When did you start making content and why? How long have you been doing this? What is your main platform (Twitch, YT, TikTok)?

I started making content in 2009 but it was a bit harder back then & I use all the platforms, but I use TikTok the most.

What was your first Capcom game?

Street Fighter

Why is representation important?

Because I grew up without seeing anyone who looked like me. I never felt welcome in these communities until I created my own community.

How do you envision the future of gaming?

Less toxicity and more inclusion

What is your advice for people getting started in content creation?  

Find your people, post the things you love no matter what people say, and take breaks!

What are your Twitter and Instagram handles?



NAME: RashadtheWizard

Pronouns: He/Him

Tell us a little about yourself! When did you start making content and why? How long have you been doing this? What is your main platform (Twitch, YT, TikTok)?

I am the captain of The Posse, a group collaborative based in Mississippi of my best friends who stream and promote community and unity for all gamer/anime/manga fans.

What was your first Capcom game?

I think Marvel vs. Capcom 2 but I was 5 when it came out. I’d like to say my first one I remember was Mega Man Zero. My first gamertag came from that game.

Why is representation important?

Representation is important because people need to know that there are characteristics about people that can be both different and beautiful to know. It’s so important that the youth grow up and learn to embrace the traits they know lead them deeper towards understanding and then loving themselves. The cultural impact of being able to learn about another’s origin and upbringing is important in being able to understand another’s motives, as well. For me, understanding is the first step towards love.

How do you envision the future of gaming?

I envision the future of gaming in a way that allows others to experience and play with their friends anywhere and everywhere.

What is your advice for people getting started in content creation?  

The key really is hope in everything you do. Envision yourself doing something original and special to you and set out to create that, working around all limiters/doubters.

What are your Twitter and Instagram handles?



NAME: SapphireStarz11

Pronouns: She/Her

Tell us a little about yourself! When did you start making content and why? How long have you been doing this? What is your main platform (Twitch, YT, TikTok)?

I’ve been making artwork for the series I love since I was a little kid, and that love never stopped! I’ve always adored making OCs and fan art for the series I enjoy, and I’m super happy it brought me here as a creator! My main platform for posting my artwork is on Twitter and Tumblr, but I also play games on the ShadowRockZX YouTube channel!

What was your first Capcom game?

Mega Man 5

How do you envision the future of gaming?

I want the future of gaming to be a space where anyone and everyone can come together and laugh, live, and love each other. It should be a space where we can all together and share what we hold dear to us, and support one another; and I hope to help build that future with my artwork.

What is your advice for people getting started in content creation?  

Do it as a hobby first, as a passion and let it bloom from there! It’s never too late to start, and if it’s something you wish to do, there are many avenues to do so.

What are your Twitter and Instagram handles?



NAME: KarimCheese

Pronouns: He/Him

Tell us a little about yourself! When did you start making content and why? How long have you been doing this? What is your main platform (Twitch, YT, TikTok)?

I started creating content in 2018 after multiple opportunities fell through for professional soccer. I have been streaming for about 6 years now and my main platforms are Twitter, TikTok & Twitch!

What was your first Capcom game?

Street Fighter 2 & Resident Evil 2!

Why is representation important?

Representation shows our younger generations of black creators that they too can be a beacon for someone else in the future and push for equality in this industry 🙂

How do you envision the future of gaming?

Diverse & Accepting while pushing the boundaries on development and making greater games in the future!

What is your advice for people getting started in content creation?  

Just upload no matter what equipment you have starting is 50% of the battle and sometimes you can be holding yourself back from greatness 🙂

What are your Twitter and Instagram handles?



Capcom Snapshots: Prosecutors

Feb 16, 2024 // David Poole

The prosecution is ready with an updated Capcom Snapshots report!

Two weeks ago, we asked for your in-game photos of prosecutors, much like the iconic ones from the Ace Attorney series, and we had so many options, we actually had to make an exception and add an additional image. Did your favorite prosecutor make the cut? Check them out below!

AlfLandonFan36 greets us with a classic line from Nahyuta Sahdmadhi in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice).

Pheeniex_ shares yet another classic quote from Miles Edgeworth in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney).

HibaPlaysGames gives us a visit from Klavier Gavin from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies).

bird_ezequiel shows us the true wordsmith skills of Franziska von Karma in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations).

GOREFANGZ brings us our next iconic line from Barok van Zieks, as seen in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

tinf0ill graces us with some of that smooth Godot poetry from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations).

As a bonus, we’re including one more image, but note that it contains a spoiler. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles SPOILER WARNING: Click here for image.

Clouded_Kokoro displays the true path of Auchiism with this bold act from Taketsuchi Auchi in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Fight!

With Capcom Cup X fast approaching, we want to see your images that really represent the heart of battle! Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, February 28 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight.


Capcom Pet of the Month: February 2024

Feb 07, 2024 // David Poole

It’s the first Wednesday of February, and that means a new Capcom Pet of the Month!

This is Peaches, but nobody ever calls her by that name, and it’s definitely unrelated to a certain song. She actually goes by Peachie, and that’s the name this bicolor domestic short hair will expect you to use. She was adopted from an animal shelter in Oregon roughly two years ago, but nobody seemed to know how she got there, or what her origins were.

While the mystery of Peachie’s past may never be solved, what we can determine is that this friendly feline is a big cuddler. The downside is that the amount of shed fur is seemingly endless, and lint rollers are a must when you’re around this furry friend.

When she’s not busy cuddling, Peachie can be seen playing with her mouse toys or anything involving strings. She’s also quite the foodie, and will happily devour anything in sight. Once play time is over and her stomach is full, she’ll take a nice, warm cat nap.

Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to see the next Capcom Pet of the Month!


Capcom Snapshots: Defense Attorneys

Feb 02, 2024 // David Poole

The defense is ready with a new batch of Capcom Snapshots!

Welcome back to our now bi-weekly Capcom Snapshots spotlight! Two weeks ago, we asked for your in-game photos of your favorite defense attorneys, and to say the evidence was enlightening would be an understatement. Check out our favorites below!

Psiphen_ proves that Apollo Justice is doing fine in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney).

RkoSamiGoat gives us a true ace attorney moment shared between Ryunosuke Naruhodo and Kazuma Asogi in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

AURAMETlS shares Athena Cykes’ fun personality in this moment from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice.

lemmvx displays the true power of Ryunosuke’s pointing finger in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

couchfrommeme shows us just how resourceful Phoenix Wright can be in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney).

bigdj.shagg brings us one more trial with Miles Edgeworth at the defense in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations).

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Prosecutors!

Please prepare your case file of prosecutor photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, February 14 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Court will adjourn for a brief recess!


TAKE THAT! Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy Is Out Now!

Jan 25, 2024 // Kellen Haney

Here comes Justice!

Red vest: check. Bracelet: check. Chords of Steel: CHECK!! Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam and Windows!

This ace collection of games brings together three complete adventures along with a court record packed full of bonuses. Take on additional casework with extra episodes that were previously released as DLC, dress for success with stylish and outlandish Wright Anything Agency costumes, find some fresh melodies to study law to in the Orchestra Hall, browse a massive Art Library with a wide range of pieces from concept art to new illustrations made just for this collection, and perform a few courtroom re-enactments with the Animation Studio!

Not sure about representing yourself in the courtroom? Don’t worry, Story Mode has you covered! Similar to The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, this optional mode can be turned on and off as you like and will play through an episode on its own so that you can sit back, relax, and watch Apollo’s journey unfold. Speaking of, let’s review the court record for an overview of each game.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Set roughly seven years after Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations, Apollo takes his first steps into the courtroom under the watchful eye of his boss, Kristoph Gavin. There, he comes face to face with the first client he has to defend in court: the legendary attorney Phoenix Wright! . Phoenix has been accused of murder after a poker game gone bad, and it’s up to Apollo to prove his client’s innocence.

But is there more to the game than first meets the eye? And who’s Trucy Wright? Since when did Phoenix have a daughter?! Little does Apollo know the journey he’s about to embark on will change the trajectory of his legal career.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
Let’s do this! Athena Cykes joins the Wright Anything Agency (it’s complicated), giving Apollo some competition around the office, some assistance at the defense bench, and maybe a few bruises from throwing-related incidents. Athena’s exceptional hearing and her psychoanalytical skills help her cut to the truth, even as a prosecuted prosecutor in chains stands on the other side of the courtroom.

With Phoenix regaining his badge, it seems like it’s the Agency’s time to shine once again… but when a shocking series of events rattle Apollo to his core, the Wright Anything Agency have their work cut out for them to bring an end to the dark age of the law.

Plus, in the Turnabout Reclaimed Bonus Episode, you’ll get to experience the first case Phoenix picks up after he gets his badge back: the defense of an orca accused of murder! Animals in the courtroom, huh? This feels familiar somehow. Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something…?

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
With Phoenix on a much-deserved vacation to visit a long-time friend who’s wrapping up her spirit medium training in Khura’in, it’s up to Apollo and Athena to hold down the fort back home. But just as Phoenix arrives, he finds himself embroiled in the defense of his tour guide who’s been accused of murder. There’s just one catch: in Khura’in, defense attorneys share the same punishment as the person they’re defending, and the punishment for murder is death!

Meanwhile, a magic show starring Trucy seemingly goes wrong, putting the future of the Wright Anything Agency in jeopardy! It’s up to Apollo and Athena to prove Trucy’s innocence, but little do any of them know that their actions are about to spark a legal revolution.

Also included is Turnabout Time Traveler, a Bonus Episode previously only available as DLC. With a defendant who claims that she travelled back in time to escape an attacker only to be accused of murder, it’s up to Phoenix, Miles Edgeworth, and Maya Fey to turn back the clock on this case and uncover the truth! Oh, and, uh, I guess Larry Butz is here, too. I knew something smelled.

With 16 episodes (including the bonus episodes) across three titles, you’ve got dozens of hours of courtroom antics and investigation adventures ahead of you! That just about wraps up everything you need to know, which means we’ve come to the end of this adventure of ours.

Now, there’s really only one way to end things, isn’t there? Get your Chords of Steel ready, and say it with me now:



Capcom Snapshots: Flight

Jan 19, 2024 // David Poole

We’re flying on cloud nine with these fantastic Capcom Snapshots!

Last week, we asked you to share your high-flying photos from your favorite Capcom games. There were some amazing shares to choose from, so check out our soaring selections below!

kanon06 shares a high-flying photo of a wyvern in Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen.

silentgear1 gives us a glimpse of a flying Dante in Devil Trigger as he confronts Urizen in Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition.

2GrayFox3 takes us back to the Carrier Byron Taylor with Guile in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour.

fersamadsg drops V off from a flying Griffon in Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition.

TheREALKoopaTV soars toward the light while atop Ratha in Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin.

ThatDebbyRivera takes us in for a landing with one of our favorite helicopter pilots in the original Resident Evil 4.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next spotlight? Take note that we’re changing Capcom Snapshots into a bi-weekly feature, allowing you more time to give us your best shares. With that said, we’ll be back on February 2, 2024! In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Defense Attorneys!

With Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy launching next week, there should be plenty of new opportunities to show us your favorite defense attorneys in action. Please share your attorney photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, January 31 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Let’s do this!


Capcom Snapshots: Metal

Jan 12, 2024 // David Poole

These metal Capcom Snapshots are pure gold!

Last week, we asked you to share your in-game shares featuring metal, and you’ve delivered some excellent choices on a silver platter. Check out our lustrous selections below.

SarrMawa kicks things into high gear with a Metal Man showdown in Mega Man Legacy Collection (Mega Man 2).

OguzhanSivri_ gives us an eerie shot of a suit of metal armor in Resident Evil 4.

HibaPlaysGames shows off one of Iris’ metal inventions in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

silentgear1 puts the pedal to the metal by riding the Cavaliere in style in Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition.

TheQuarterGuy shares a fight with MetalMan.EXE in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection (Mega Man Battle Network 3).

(Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective SPOILER WARNING: Click here for image)

TheREALKoopaTV closes things out with a room full of metal objects to possess in Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured next week? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next week’s theme: Flight!

Please share your high flying photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, January 17 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured next week. Let’s see those soaring shares!


Capcom Snapshots: Cammy

Jan 05, 2024 // David Poole

Cammy kickstarts our 2024 Capcom Snapshots, just in time for her birthday!

Last week, we asked you to help us celebrate Cammy’s birthday by sharing your images of the infamous Killer Bee. We had a killer selection to choose from, so check out some of our favorites below!

majin_prince shows why you shouldn’t underestimate Cammy in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour.

ThatDebbyRivera brings us back in time to Cammy’s Doll days in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (Street Fighter Alpha 2).

Robocopdude takes action by posing with Cammy in Street Fighter 6’s King Street.

NawafIsMe proves that Cammy’s Street Fighter 6 look is definitely front page material.

Nuriko_SF6 shares a look at a calm and collected Cammy, perhaps before she sees another helping of jellied eel in Street Fighter 6.

2GrayFox3 closes things out with a bang, giving us a look of Cammy that’s sure to set off some sparks in Street Fighter 6.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured next week? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next week’s theme: Metal!

Please share your Metal photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, January 10 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured next week. Time to put the pedal to the metal!


Capcom Pet of the Month: January 2024

Jan 03, 2024 // David Poole

Happy New Year! Time to kick off 2024 with our January Pet of the Month.

Meet Indiana Bones, one of the newest members of our Capcom family. At just 6 months old, she’s an Australian Shepherd with a lot of energy and a heart of gold! Sometimes referred to as Indy, she definitely doesn’t belong in a museum, but she’ll gladly use her time to explore and learn about the world around her.

She may not have her archeology degree yet, but that doesn’t stop her from digging, perhaps for treasures or other artifacts from the distant past. We suppose it’s possible that she may just be digging for the fun of it as well.

Ever curious, Indiana Bones is always open to learning new tricks. Perhaps she hasn’t mastered how to use a bull whip just yet, but she will happily give you a firm handshake to show what a good girl she is. While she may still be young, she’ll likely gain quite a bit of mileage at this rate.

Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to see the next Capcom Pet of the Month!


Capcom Snapshots: Juri

Dec 29, 2023 // David Poole

We’re ending 2023’s Capcom Snapshots with a fan-favorite bad girl.

Last week, we asked you to share your in-game photos of Juri, and like a spider crawling toward its prey, we handpicked our favorite shots from Street Fighter 6. Get a head start on celebrating Juri’s birthday and check out the selections below!

KaizokuFen gets up close and personal with Juri’s sinister smile.

majin_prince strikes a matching playful pose with Juri in Old Nayshall.

kujikawaii shares a fun moment between a very inspired avatar and Juri.

mando_idk shows us the best way to hang with Juri in World Tour.

2GrayFox3 ends our 2023 Capcom Snapshots year with a festive photo for the holidays.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured next week? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next week’s theme: Cammy!

Please share your photos of Cammy by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, January 3 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured next week. Mission start!