VHS Mega Man Walkthrough Comes from a Simpler Time
May 07, 2012 // GregaMan
Before YouTube made video creation and sharing as simple as clicking a couple of virtual buttons, and before the internet streamlined our collective gamer lexicon, there was a time some of us like to refer to as The Nineties. It was a romantic time, when sarcastic teenagers dyed their hair all the colors of the rainbow and VHS tapes roamed the earth like so many musk oxen.
In those days, making something like a video FAQ for a game was a complicated, time-consuming procedure involving primitive VHS-recording machines (formerly known as VCRs) and lots of difficult, manual editing. Even if you managed to do it, the only way to share such a thing was to create actual physical copies of the tape, or simply pass your copy to other people. You were lucky to get four views, let alone several million.
Back in 1990, however, would-be YouTuber spida1a was doing things the hard way, all for the love of the game. Check out this retro VHS guide of the original Mega Man, lovingly created by him at the age of twelve! Hit the jump to see.
More retro video FAQs on his channel .