Avengers Assemble! MVC2 iOS Sale and Avengers Contest
May 05, 2012 // MikeeB
Everyday is a great day to play some Marvel, but this weekend will be especially hype as we’ve got tournaments like Shadowloo Showdown on and of course lest we forget the Avengers feature film now in theaters across the states!
To help celebrate we’ve got a couple Marvel related things going on this weekend. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 iOS on sale for only $2.99 through Sunday May 6th. Grab it quick as it’ll be returning to the normal $4.99 price point next week.
I also wanna toss up a mini contest for this weekend as well! Post up something related to your favorite Avengers character from the MVC series and why they’re your pick in the comments below. I’ll pick a few entries/winners between here on Unity and our Marvel vs. Capcom faecbook to win some sweet prizes like autographed (by Producer Niitsuma-san) copies of UMVC3 Vita, some Japan exclusive UMVC3 post cards, and a few other goodies. Check your inbox next week to see if you’re a winner 🙂 Have a great weekend everyone!