Tatsunoko VS. Capcom: UAS – TV Spot
Jan 15, 2010 // Grant
Yes it is a TV spot for Tatsunoko VS. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars! So I posted this a few hours ago asking asking you guys to try and figure out what those blurry pics are of. Well some of you guessed it was a TV spot and it involved action figures, but I’m not sure anyone actually figured out what kind of spot it is. Some of you guys are much smarter than I thought though 🙂 So I’m going to review all the posts and pick a few winners to send games to!.
Well here is the spot and it was a blast to produce (I’ll share the crazy process later – it does require 60 mins to deliver 1 second of animation). Our ad agency had the idea to create this stop-motion short (a la Robot Chicken) to celebrate the zanyness of the game. Since it wasn’t something that I recall any other video game publisher doing before, we jumped all over the idea. We tried to keep it as true to the heroes’ characteristics as possible, so you’ll see some signature moves in there. You can see the spot in HD glory on USA, SyFy, Adult Swim and more starting next Monday. Let us know what you think! And show your support of TVC by pre-ordering now at GameStop . You’ll get those cool trading cards.