Reminder: Color Final Fight Art -> Win Full Trip and More
Jan 15, 2010 // Mr2nique
A big thanks to those who have submitted already, we are already 10 days in, but still have 10 days left. You still plenty of opportunity to win big, real big (A trip for two to New Orleans to hang with Capcom, your art featured on a game, and much more). But time is of the essence...get to coloring and get to submitting!
Also to celebrate the contest, I want to show you my very own Final Fight: Double Impact Crayons.
Practical.. absolutely,
For those that missed Capcom’s Esteemed Intern Andew’s step-by-step post on his own (ineligble) submission, take a look here for a very good read.
And finally, those who are not in the know about this very special contest, head over to www.finalfightgame.com to learn more and get started.
And don’t forget Final Fight: Double Impact is a double strike of arcade perfection hitting XBLA and PSN April 2010.