Resident Evil Tribute Contest: Videos
Jan 15, 2010 // jgonzo
We resume our Resident Evil Tribute Contest Vote Off (sorry we me missed updating yesterday) with our fourth category: videos. In an unprecedented move, I will post the 5th category (ETC) over the weekend (gasp). On Monday, the top picks from all five categories will square off in a public vote to see who has the best Resident Evil Tribute of ALL TIME…or at least until we do another RE contest 🙂
But let’s not waste any time: the show must go on! Videos are located after the break! Some of them are in other languages, but that’s ok, you’ll get the gist of them. Remember to vote in the poll at the end!
Resident Evil Fan Film by Joe ( Part II and Part III )
Resident Evil 2 Animated Trailer by Alejandro
The Incident by Alex
Saving Leon Kennedy by Blitzfox
Resident Evil CLASSIFIED Trailer by Ben
Another Day in Raccoon by First Aid Spray
Resident Evil 2 Fall Down (AMV video) by Houndforhire
Leon and Ada Death of Me (AMV video) by Leslie
RE4 Mex Edition (Parody) by Daniel
Resident Evil 2 Stop Motion Edition by Pablo