Monster Hunter activities at PAX Prime 2013
Aug 23, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Oh boy! PAX Prime is next week already, and am I excited about this show! PAX Prime 2012 was actually my first event as part of Team Unity here at Capcom, so it’s quite surreal to be going there again.
Last year, I went mainly to support a MH fan gathering at the Handheld Lounge, but this time I’ll be heading a whole Monster Hunter booth with some demo stations and loungue area for you to come and hunt, and of course, an early DLC Event Quest !
If you’ve been to other recent shows this year (PAX East, WonderCon, Anime Expo, SDCC) you know what to expect of the MH booth by now, but if PAX Prime will be your first, here’s a quick rundown:
– Bring your 3DS and hunt!
We’ll be providing small cushion seats and short tables so you can get comfortable and hunt with your friends, meet you hunters and take on that nasty early Event Quest;
– By the power of Zinogre…
You can charge up your 3DS at the tables, since we’re also providing power strips – you know long multiplayer hunts require quite the battery power… especially if you have the brightness all the way up and the 3D on;
– Demo stations for those curious about MH
So let’s say you have a friend or two (or seven, doesn’t matter) who are still reluctant about getting into Monster Hunter … bring them along! While you’re taking on that gruesome challenge Event Quest, we’ll teach them how to play on our demo stations. And since we’ll be using the actual game to teach them, you can actually jump in the same quest and help them out if you want!
– Early DLC Event Quest!!!
I’m not gonna spoil what the quest is (although there’s pretty obvious hint here), but the point is you’ll be able to download one of the DLC Event Quests before anyone else! That way you can bring it home, transfer it to your Wii U, take it online and brag about hanging out with us and getting the quest ahead of time. Sweet deal, huh? =P
– Special activities and prizes!
This time I’ve also been cooking up some very interesting challenges, which should be pretty entertaining to watch, but also give you a chance of winning some neat little prizes like lanyards and possibly some blind boxes (if you’re really good).
Here’s our tentative daily schedule (may be subject to tweaks):
12pm – 1pm
BBQ Cooking Challenge: cook 10 pieces of Raw Meat… in the same area as the Monster! Make sure you don’t faint, and don’t burn the meat… all rules will be explained on the showfloor
2pm – 3pm
Challenge Quests! I’m picking a couple of DLC Challenge Quests and you get try one or the other. They’re designed for teams, but I wanna see you take them on by yourself. I want to see felled monsters and victorious prancing before you win anything!
4pm – 5pm
DLC Event Quest Runs. Again, bring your friends and 3DSs! We won’t be providing a console for this one, but the challenge it to see which team of two finishes the Event Quest with the fastest time. And you read that correctly “team of two”… so we keep it a little more interesting than the 4-Kelbi-Bow massacre… =P
So yeah, there’s quite a bit of stuff happening on the Monster Hunter booth and I’m quite excited; not to mention that concert on Friday (although that’s not MH related, it’s still awesome)!
We’ll have more details up next week as well, so stay tuned!