The Guile hair results are in
Aug 23, 2013 // GregaMan
This week we asked you to celebrate the voluminous, awe-inspiring, and vitamin-filled hair of Guile and you responded with flying colors and flash kicks. Both metaphors!
If you missed all the great submissions, go check them out here ! Otherwise, hit the jump to see who wins!
All submissions were judged by Team Unity, and I daresay we almost got into a couple street fights ourselves trying to reach an agreement. Thank heaven for timeouts.
Grand Prize
Michael sketched this delightful picture of the SFII gang, all sporting the Guile hair save for the two characters who’ve fallen to the same fate as ol’ GregaMan here. Ah well. Maybe they can use their head-shine to blind opponents.
Great execution of a great idea. Michael will receive a 1/4-scale Guile statue, immortalizing Guile and his hair for all time. Oh, and you can see more of his great artwork on deviantART .
William sent in this last-minute submission–a veritable cornucopia of Guile figures, expertly posed and even complimented with a Guile stage backdrop! This brought smiles to all our faces. William will get a 3D Street Fighter poster drawn by Shinkiro for his troubles.
The rest of you have been awarded 600 juicy Unity Points for use on our daily game raffles! As a special bonus, I’ll also badge each participant with the badge contributed by ShinNaraku (slightly modified for dimensions).
Thanks to all participants! The Guile is strong in you!