ResidentEvil.net ups ante with Champion Belt events
Aug 23, 2013 // GregaMan
If you’ve been regularly checking out the online events on ResidentEvil.net , you may have noticed that one of the RE6 Mercenaries events currently in progress –Urban Chaos Dominator 2– is labeled as a “Champion Belt” event.
The “Champion Belt” is a new feature of the site that will be applied to certain events. Here’s a brief rundown of how it works.
The Champion Belt is awarded to the top player of each participating event, and during the event, the top group of players will have their rankings displayed in a constantly updated graph to help them keep track.
The only requirement for taking part is to make sure you obtain a B rank or higher in Urban Chaos during the event.
Fittingly, the Dominator series of events has finally come full circle, and is back at what we like to think of as the Mercenaries’ sacred ground of Urban Chaos, so gear up and take a shot at becoming the very first Champion!
And if that isn’t enough motivation, we’ll be giving a special icon to all participants, so don’t forget!
Good luck to all participants!