Go Right compilation video is strangely inspirational
Apr 27, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Every game has its finer details, the things that set it apart from other titles out there. But when it comes to 2D games, the phrase “Go Right” applies to countless adventures that ultimately boil down to that one universal directive. YouTuber RockyPlanetesimal has stitched together an alarmingly moving compilation of classic 2D heroes engaged in this timeless act, and edited it in a unique, slightly shaky cam fashion.
It’s 2D focused, so of course Capcom games are well represented. Arthur, Spencer, Mega Man and more get their moment alongside other classics like Samus, Link and Master Higgins. As a child of the ’80s, the imagery of all these heroes moving right, no matter the cost and against all odds, is really hitting a weird part of my brain and making me ponder “what it all means, man…”
Hope it does something similar for you too!