These Custom Dragon’s Dogma Characters Sure Look Familiar
May 01, 2012 // GregaMan
Last week we did a livestream of the Dragon’s Dogma playable demo, which you should know is available now for download on PSN and Xbox Live. During the stream, we offered a chance to win a snazzy ball cap and jersey set featuring the Dragon’s Dogma logo. All you had to do was use the demo’s character customization feature to create a character and/or Pawn that was cool, funny, or impressive in some way. And some of you did!
Hit the jump to see which ones we liked the most.
Honorable Mentions:
Antoniomade a player character that looks like himself. Would’ve been cool to have a photo for comparison, but it’s a cool-looking character regardless. 
He also created a Main Pawn that resembles Guts from the Berserk series (whose equipment you’ll find in the game). 
McJon has recreated cocky martial artist Gene from GOD HAND. I love it!
Bobby19877 went to the trouble of creating a character that looked like me, GregaMan. Frankly the last time I had that much hair is a faint memory, but it’s a pretty good likeness of me circa 2005, plus it’s better-dressed! Not bad considering Bobby didn’t have any photos for reference!
Kailoli , ever the DMC fan, has created a great likeness of the kind-of-snotty-but-still-pretty-cool Vergil, as he appeared in DMC3 and UMvC3. A born Warrior class, if you ask me. Or is he a Mystic Knight? Hmm. . . .
Anyway, thanks to everyone for the great custom characters! We’ll probably do something like this again, so keep on practicing!