Help MYK – A Donation Drive
Apr 27, 2012 // GregaMan
::UPDATE:: They have reportedly already reached their fundraising goal! A huge thanks to any and all who made donations!
We unfortunately have a bit of sad news, but with a silver lining attached. Michael “MYK” Kwon of Tekken tutorial and news site Level Up Your Game has reportedly been hospitalized and diagnosed with a dangerous skin disease, placing him and his family in a very difficult financial situation, on top of the emotional and physical burden of dealing with a serious illness.
Taking quick action, Level Up Your Game has begun a fundraiser to help cover MYK’s medical expenses. With an overall goal of raising $3100 for MYK, the fundraiser is off to a great start, having already gathered some 113 donors and counting.
Additionally, MYK has offered up his new, boxed Hori Soul Calibur V fight stick as a raffle prize, where every $5 you donate will earn you one entry into the raffle, with every $20 getting you a bonus entry. A donation of $100 or more will get you a Level Up Your Game T-shirt. Another donor has also donated an additional four fight sticks to the drawing, with worldwide shipping available.
MYK has been a dedicated and hardworking member of the fighting game community for a long time, and actually helped out a lot with our Street Fighter X Tekken Cross Assault show earlier this year. Now is a great opportunity to show the strength of the fighting game community and do a good deed for someone who’s helped make it as great as it is. Our thoughts are with you, MYK!