Capcom Arcade Classics Quiz 2: So I heard you like boxers
Jan 05, 2011 // MikeeB
Capcom Arcade Classics quiz contest 2 ahoy! As promised yesterday here’s our second batch of OG arcade trivia for you guys. Comment on this blog or on the Capcom Arcade Classics facebook page and the first 10 people to correctly answer all questions (in 1 post plz!) will score a pair of “Arthur’s Stawberry Undies”!
Questions after the jump, the last set went quick so be sure to get your answers in soon!
Official rules can be found HERE
1. How many times must you defeat the final boss in the arcade version of Ghosts ‘n Goblins to get the happy ending?
2. Quite possibly the most annoying enemy in Ghosts ‘n Goblins the Red Devil (aka Red Arramer or Firebrand) actually got a title of his own back on the Super Nintendo. What was the name of this severely underrated platformer?
3. What was the alternate Pan-western title for Exed Exes?
4. According to the game itself, what year does the original Strider take place in?
5. In the arcade version of Section Z, the final boss encounter with “L-Brain” take’s place in what area?
6. There’s a bonus item that’s found in both SonSon and Exed Exes that turns all enemies on screen into fruit/food…what’s this bonus item called?
7. What item falls from the sky upon defeating a boss in Ghosts ‘n Goblins?
8. What’s the only weapon that can be used to defeat the final boss Astaroth in Ghosts ‘n Goblins?
9. What year was Exed Exes released in arcades?
10. One of my all time favorite Capcom arcade beat-em-ups featured 2 “commandos” named Linn and Dutch… if I told you who else was on their team this question would be too easy so based on the above, name the game!