Vote for the Top Okamiden Goblin Face Masks Now!
Jan 05, 2011 // vabor
Who has the best Goblin Face?
This is just a small sample of over 900 amazing masks. Vote here to decide the Top 150 masks. 3 winners will be selected from the Top 150 when the voting ends at 4pm PST on 3.1.2011. The Top 3 winners will be announced in April. Be sure to Like the page when you visit. Happy voting!
Okamiden Goblin Face Facebook Contest
Voting Deadlines:
TOP 150- User voted – March 1, 2011 at 4pm PST
TOP 3- Capcom and Graffiti selected – Announced April 2011

Grand Prize:
Nintendo 3DS system, Okamiden DS game, 3 Okami Sun t-shirt, Okamiden DS Brush Stylus and Screen Cleaner, Okamiden Key Chain Plush, Chibiterasu 14” plush (to be revealed later), Chibiterasu Pillow plush (to be revealed later).

1st Runner up:
Nintendo DSi XL, Okamiden DS game, 3 Okami Sun t-shirt , Okamiden DS Brush Stylus and Screen Cleaner , Okamiden Key Chain Plush, Chibiterasu 14” plush (to be revealed later), Chibiterasu Pillow plush (to be revealed later).
2nd Runner up:
Okamiden DS game, 3 Okami Sun t-shirt, Okamiden DS Brush Stylus and Screen Cleaner, Okamiden Key Chain Plush