WonderCon Anaheim: Monster Hunter Caravan Tour, panel and merchandise list
Apr 02, 2015 // Yuri Araujo
The Monster Hunter Caravan Tour is on its way to Anaheim and will be setting up shop this weekend at WonderCon 2015!
First of all, if you’re attending WonderCon Anaheim and are free on Sunday from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm , head to Room 300DE and catch a Monster Hunter panel with special guests from Japan: Executive Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Executive Director Kaname Fujioka! More info right here .
And by popular demand, here’s some of the merch sold only at the Caravan:
But wait! There’s more!
We will also have the traditional Capcom Store, featuring a number of items listed here , and they’re actually debuting two brand new Monster Hunter t-shirt designs… btw, I helped design both of them 😉
You’ll find all of this (and me, so come say hi!) at the Capcom booth ( #1640 ). See you there!
Oh! And I heard Guildmarm cosplayers will be there too; you don’t wanna miss that, right Doodle?