Online Raid Mode, weekly events and other tweaks arrive as part of free RER2 update
Mar 31, 2015 // Minish Capcom
Update 4/15:
We are still working closely with Microsoft to bring Xbox One players the Raid Mode online patch as soon as possible. We appreciate that players have already waited a long time for this update, but unfortunately, there are still several technical issues that have to be fixed so players can enjoy a stable and fully functioning online gameplay experience. That said, we will be providing Xbox One players with a number of bonus RE points on Residentevil.net as a thank you for their patience in waiting for this update to go live.
We are also bringing additional free costumes to Raid Mode, as the response to Raid has been so positive that we wanted to give fans even more ways to play. Once we have a final release date for both these costumes (coming to all platforms) and online play for Xbox One, we will make it known as quickly as possible.
Need help clawing through some of the later Raid missions? Starting this morning you can invite a friend along for the ride and tackle those tougher gauntlets together! And if you’ve spent the past few weeks leveling up and creating a crazy character loadout, feel free to help some of the lower-tier folks get on your level. PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and PC players can start right now – Xbox One is taking a little more time to complete, but it should be up and running shortly. We apologize for the wait and will have an update soon.
In addition to enabling Online play, this Title Update will also up the difficulty of all the “Code Red” stages in Raid Mode. After applying the update you’ll be able to test your might against these harder stages just by being online.
Today’s title update also includes the ability to invite a friend directly into a Raid session, set up a “Quick Match” that pairs you with another player searching for the same parameters OR create/search for your own session. You’ll also notice a “news feed” style crawl on the Main Menu and Raid Mode vestibule that posts updates from ResidentEvil.net.
And speaking of ol’ residentevil.net, the first two weekly events start April 1!
Level-Restricted Challenge No. 1
Weekly challenge missions are available! Take them on at the lowest level possible!
Invasion of the Huge Creatures No. 1
Large creatures are stomping over the horizon! Unload all your ammo to stop them in their tracks!
Log in to / sign up for residentevil.net and start earning those rewards!