Capcom Snapshots: Investigation

Sep 13, 2024 // David Poole

Our investigation revealed that these Capcom Snapshots are fantastic!

Two weeks ago, we asked for your Investigation photos form Capcom games to celebrate the release of Ace Attorney Investigations Collection. Not only did we see a great selection of Ace Attorney shares, but we even had some brilliant deductions from Resident Evil 4. Check them out below!

AderenaEdge gets caught in some investigative journalism with one miss Tabby Lloyd in Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit).

lovers_nero shows off Leon’s willingness to investigate the whereabouts of this officer’s partner in Resident Evil 4.

TurnaboutWOT starts to inquire what exactly Kay Faraday is doing in Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit).

juniaxe gives us a look of Ada Wong’s investigative skills in Resident Evil 4’s Separate Ways.

Pheeniex_ takes us back to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy to look at Luke Atmey for his deductive reasoning in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations.

Unprofessionlsm provides one last investigation from Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, and admittedly… we’re taking bets on if Edgeworth will follow through.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Heroes!

IT’S MAHVEL BAYBEE! With the release of MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, we want to celebrate by showcasing iconic heroes in Capcom titles. Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, September 25 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Time to go, hero.


Localization and Technology, Or: How Over a Decade of Progress Affects Your Localization

Sep 06, 2024 // Janet Hsu

It’s finally here! Over 10 years later, the second Investigations game is finally officially available starting today! I hope you are as excited as I am!

I’m Janet Hsu, localization director of Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, and I’m here for a special one-off about the more technical side of localization. I’ve talked at length about my localization philosophy in my The Great Ace Attorney blogs, so I figured I’d take this rare chance to talk about the differences in my experience of localizing the first Investigations game into English in 2011 and the second into multiple languages in 2024.

A lot has changed in these last 13 years. By 2011, Capcom had the MT Framework game engine, but the first and second Investigations games ran on their own custom engines. The screens on the Nintendo DS were also very small and in 4:3 aspect ratio. The simultaneous worldwide release of multiple language versions wasn’t the ironclad industry standard it is now, which, when combined with the storage limitations of a game cartridge or DVD, affected even how game assets were named. Game development was like a totally different world back then.

So come along now as I show you how old I am by regaling you with stories of “back in my day” – localizing games edition!

Engine Improvements and the UI

In a series like Ace Attorney, the UI is everything – it’s the way all information is conveyed and the way the player interacts with the game. Unlike action games, for example, there is literally nothing else. Therefore, improvements in UI implementation mean a great deal for the series – and by extension, the localization.

In the olden days, all of the buttons and panels players interacted with in the Nintendo DS version were graphics with the text baked in. This is because it was hard at times to make the text look exactly as you envisioned (especially when you needed to squeeze more letters on a panel than it was designed for), so the only way to ensure that you got the exact look, amount of scrunching, etc. that you wanted was to make everything into a graphic. Of course, this also meant that every little text change was another time-consuming task for the UI designer who had to go back and re-render the graphic. It’s enough to make one feel guilty for each typo and grammar mistake…

Needless to say, this method is unsustainable the more languages you add, so thankfully, as text rendering technology improved through modern game engine tools, we’ve been able to move away from using graphics for everything. So for the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, we actually went through both titles and converted the pre-existing Japanese and English graphical panels (such as the topic selections and Logic pieces) into regular text that is rendered in real-time on top of one shared blank panel graphic.

Autoscaling panels are also a blessing for languages with longer words! Plus, we can do special effects like have panels get slightly bigger when selected and go half transparent when they’re not!

The decision to render each panel’s text in-game meant that the programmers had to go through and make sure that every location where these graphical assets were once being called would now call the correct text string instead. And, of course, they had to make sure each new string in each additional language version would also be called correctly. In the end, we localizers are super thankful for the UI designers and programmers’ hard work because it meant that we could make adjustments to our translations (almost) completely guilt-free!

Another big change in the UI that affected the localization was the amount of space available to us on-screen, which is related to the screen size and resolution of the hardware the games are on.

16:9, 1080p Becoming the Standard

Yes, by 2011, 4:3 and standard definition screens had pretty much disappeared in terms of TVs, but it wasn’t so far removed from when that was what the majority of people had in their homes. Perhaps that’s why the Nintendo DS’s 4:3 aspect ratio didn’t feel so out of place back then. In addition, the Nintendo DS obviously had a very small screen for portability reasons, so while we did upgrade the graphics once for smartphones, we hadn’t adapted some of it because of how small the screen still was, and because every phone had their own set of hardware specs and aspect ratio. With this port to a more standardized series of platforms, we took to finally expanding all of the graphics to 16:9 and filling in some of the details you couldn’t really see before.

Let’s just say there’s a reason why there was a whole discussion about whether we should add a roll of toilet paper to the holder or not.

So how did making the screen 16:9 help the localization? Well, for one thing, the added horizontal space allowed less compact languages like English to use longer words. In the era of the original Nintendo DS version, we still used the “number of characters” x “number of lines” method of calculating how much text could fit in each text box. So when I was localizing the first AAI game, I had to stick to the 30 characters x 3 lines rule because of how narrow the screen was for the main text window.

As you can see, by re-doing the line breaks into the modern UI layout for this collection, I could’ve had so much more space to work with – even within just two lines. Plus, I wouldn’t have needed to worry about the text window blocking something important when compared to the Japanese version.

However, as anyone who works with text knows, you can never have too much space. Sometimes, a slightly longer word simply is required to avoid an awkward re-write or to convey a nuance. But if we stick hard and fast to the 30×3 (or 50×2 in the modern UI) rule, there is always the potential for wasted space. In fact, if you count the actual number of letters in the first line of the screenshot above, you’d see there are actually 57 letters. That’s also thanks to a bit of wizardry I’ve asked for since the days of Dual Destinies – a pixel checker.

Because English and other Western European language fonts are generally proportional (as apposed to fixed width like the Asian languages are), every letter is of a different width. In this title’s UI settings, skinny letters like lower case “i” and “l” are 17 pixels across, while a larger letter like “m” is 52 and an average-sized letter like “a” is 30. Even a single space takes up 18 pixels. So you can see how depending on what words you use, you can squeeze more letters on one line than just the average number of 50 if we work off of a maximum of 1500 pixels per line.

While it’s not impossible to convey what needs to be conveyed in a natural way in the old 30×3 style, you can see that I had to allude to the fact that something about the president being in the middle of his speech is important. Contrast that with how it could be spelled out in full like the original Japanese with the luxury of more usable space. Also, you can see how in order to save myself a few letters, I truncated “What is” into “What’s” and relied on the fact that the next screen is the Organizer opening up to give context as to what the word “piece” is in reference to in the second text window. These small changes might not seem like much, but depending on what you’re trying to achieve, they can be a big deal. For example, what if a character is the type to never use contractions because they’re too posh to do so? Or what if I really needed to direct the player’s attention to something specific or it would be very hard for them to solve the puzzle? These are the sorts of things I have to balance whenever I write anything during a localization. What can I sacrifice of a character’s voice for brevity? How do I re-write this hint to the player so that it’s still comprehensible and will fit within the box? It truly pays to learn how to write with an economy of words in these cases.

Does this mean then that an infinitely large box where I could write whatever I wanted would be preferable? I actually don’t think so. I’m convinced that part of the appeal of Ace Attorney’s writing is in how short and simple each line is. No one line feels like a chore to read, and before you know it, you’re 100 lines on and have gone through three dialogue options. This is all thanks to Mr. Takumi’s original design concept of “text short enough that players can take in the whole text box at a glance”. It’s why the Japanese text is also written in an exceptionally short style at 18 characters x 2 lines for the main dialogue window.

I have noticed that for The Great Ace Attorney, some people have commented on how the verboseness of the dialogue makes it harder for them to get into those games when compared to the mainline games. In that particular duology’s case, it was an artistic choice to mimic Victorian era writing, and yet, I believe those comments lend credence to the statement that brevity is the soul of wit. In fact, one of the issues we had during the localization of “Prosecutor’s Gambit” was tone consistency. Because we had more space to work with than the first game, the initial translation sometimes contained sentences that were longer than necessary. So one of the things I did was to go through and pare things down so that Edgeworth and company didn’t sound too tonally different from the first Investigations game while remaining accurate to the Japanese.

…Okay, I know I said no waxing localization philosophy in this blog entry, so uh… let’s get back on track, shall we?

Speaking of consistency, an interesting thing that often happens on HD remasters of Ace Attorney games is the need to suddenly fill in backgrounds with text you had previously written into examine dialogue. Take for example, the Judge poster in the first game.

When we were listing up how each graphic would need to be updated, one of the things we had to do was recall which examinable items had what text connected to it. Back on the Nintendo DS, you couldn’t see what was written on the poster, for example, so there wasn’t even placeholder text scrawled at the very bottom. But now, if we didn’t add the slogan that’s supposed to exist in tiny letters to the poster, it would create a disconnect between the visuals and the examination message. So we added the in-game dialogue to the bottom of the poster for consistency’s sake. As for what it says, you’ll just have to see for yourself!

By the way, if you guessed that the reason we had a whole discussion about toilet paper is because of examination text, give yourself a pat on the back!

Another thing the new 16:9 graphical update affected was how we localized the graphics for each language. In some instances, there was a need to redesign some element or another so that the key point from the Japanese source was conveyed correctly.

Mmm, smell the 4:3-ness…

For example, this is a food stand that sells sakura-flavored manju (manju are small, sweet pastry items). Now, what exactly is sakura supposed to taste like is something even Japanese people wonder about. So it was nice that we could keep the examine dialogue where Gumshoe asks Edgeworth what “sakura” tastes like the same in the English and the Japanese. (Apparently, “sakura flavor” is the taste of coumarin – an organic compound in cherry tree leaves that is only released once you crush or salt the leaves! …is an answer only Ema could find fascinating, I know, I know.) Because the examine dialogue is specifically about the flavor of sakura, “sakura” itself becomes an important piece of information to convey. To that end, I made this mock-up on how to localize the graphic for the artists:

Since we were expanding the base image to be 16:9, I thought I was being smart by using that extra space on the right to have the word “sakura” be clearly visible. To reinforce that, I added the sakura pictures at the bottom since it worked well design-wise and was similar to the original Japanese version (which also featured a lavender sakura design under the character for sakura “桜”). The final result is this lovely background here:

Way to go me… *facepalm*

The lesson to be learned here is to let iconography do the work for you when you can’t fit the words you need in. Icons also help when you forget like a foolishly foolish fool that there will be a lantern covering up the very word you were trying to make visible. But hey, at least the important information was still conveyed!

I made mock-ups for some of the other language-based tricks in the additional new languages as well, which leads me to my next topic: localizing for more than one language.

ROM Sizes and Distribution Mediums

Back in the days before the cloud and digital distribution, how much the physical cartridge or disk could store dictated how much you could stuff in your game. And oftentimes, that meant only one language version would fit on one cartridge. So even if the standard was to create all language versions at the same time, you would still have to contend with the hard limit of the medium you were publishing on. But let’s say you did create more than one language version at a time. In the olden days, you might have gotten away with using the same exact file names for all the assets, regardless of the language version, since there was no chance of them winding up on the same cartridge. So one of the big updates we had to do for the Investigations Collection was to re-work some of the programming to accommodate all of the localized assets.

This applies to the UI assets I mentioned at the very beginning too, but the programmers had to come up with a naming scheme so that the original assets and the localized assets could all live happily together, and anyone working on any new graphics, sound, or text had to stick to this naming scheme. And then, the programmers had to think of a way so that each location that called for an asset would display the correct one depending on the game’s settings. For example, if you set the text to English, but the audio to Japanese, the game has to know which text to display and which “Objection!” to play.

Just look at all these Samurai Dogs…!

So you see, when localizing an older game, it’s more than simply tweaking or adding a few new assets – it’s like implementing all of the assets of a whole other game sometimes.

These are just a few ways technological changes affected how we localized the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection. Some of these things may seem small, but each advancement in technology brings with it the potential to make an even higher quality localization than ever before. Whether it’s improvements to the workflow or the ability to do what we have only dreamed of, I can’t wait to see how the process and philosophies of localization will continue to evolve alongside the technology of the future.

Until then!


Capcom Pet of the Month: September 2024

Sep 04, 2024 // David Poole

Summer’s almost over but the Capcom Pet of the Month sends one last hurrah!

Meet Zoro, a 5-year old domestic shorthair tuxedo cat with a very distinguishing feature. As you may notice, Zoro only has one eye. While the eye was lost to an infection, he might tell you it was lost in an epic battle with his lifelong rival. A perilous fight that sparked after many years of character development and a training montage… Well, we’d definitely watch a season of that.

Rescued shortly after his surgery, Zoro was taken into a loving home where he is able to play with his favorite toys like his trusty feather wand and the elusive red laser. When he’s not keeping his eye on his treasures, he can be found sunbathing and recharging his batteries so he can go into the next conflict without needing to hold back. Revel in the might of his full power!

Of course, Zoro’s life isn’t just about taking the path of the warrior. He will always find solace being with his owner, cuddling under the blankets and being a certified “best boy” in our eyes. If you find yourself visiting, Zoro will be sure to make you feel at home by jumping into your lap and protecting you under his watchful eye.

Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to see the next Capcom Pet of the Month!


Capcom Snapshots: Street Fighter

Aug 30, 2024 // David Poole

These Capcom Snapshots are taking all challengers!

Two weeks ago, we asked you to submit in-game photos representing the Street Fighter franchise, and a lot of you shutterbugs took to the streets and took amazing pictures in Street Fighter 6. Take a look at the selections below and help us celebrate 37 years of Street Fighter during the anniversary today!

lockhart_rin travels to Metro City’s Chinatown in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour to bring us a graceful smile from the strongest woman in the world, Chun-Li!

biachunli makes a pose in front of two Street Fighter vets with Retsu and Ryu at Genbu Temple in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour. 37 years and they never looked stronger!

lovers_nero shares a shot of Street Fighter 6’s first Master, Luke, who is always keeping it cool.

The1CalledJunie takes us to King’s Street in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour, where a calm and collected Cammy contemplates her next objective.

JoaoMayCry shares a Shadaloo Showdown with his avatar sporting a look worthy of a handsome matador while taking on M. Bison in Street Fighter 6. Some might even call it the “Battle of the Vegas.”

GrayFoxVP ends things strong with this up close shot of Ryu, the warrior that started it all. Here now, in Street Fighter 6, he continues to seek worthy opponents so that he might find the answer that lies in the heart of battle.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Investigation!

With Ace Attorney Investigations Collection arriving at the scene on September 6, it’s time to put your deductive reasoning to the test and capture the best investigations in our games. Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, September 12 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Begin Investigation!


How to Get Cammy’s EX 01 color for her Outfit 2 on Twitch!

Aug 29, 2024 // Joseph Bustos

Street Fighter 6 is pleased to announce its Support a Streamer program for Twitch streamers!

From 9 am PT on September 2 to 11:59 PM PT on September 30, Twitch viewers will receive an exclusive purple themed Cammy color for her Outfit 2 for gifting or buying 1 Twitch subscription (Prime Subs are excluded) of any tier to any streamers within the Street Fighter 6 category.

How to Redeem Your Code

  • Launch the game on your preferred platform, access the Multi Menu and select Options, Input Event Code and enter the 16 digit code.

Additional disclaimers from Capcom:

  • The player must own the character’s Outfit 2 in order to use this item.
  • The player can only unlock this content on one platform, even if they play the game on multiple platforms using the same CAPCOM ID. This is a one time usage code and can no longer be used once the item is redeemed.
  • Code expires 9/2/2027 11:59pm PDT.
  • Street Fighter 6 game sold separately.

Eligible users

The following are eligible Twitch subscriptions and gift subscriptions

  • New monthly subs (any tier)
  • Multi-month subs (3-month, 6-month)
  • Gift subs (any tier for any number of months)

 The following are not eligible Twitch subscriptions

  • Prime subs
  • Existing recurring sub renewals
  • Monthly subscriptions that are re-purchased before they fully expire (you cannot set your sub to cancel then re-sub at a discount before the subscription fully expires)
  • Subs received through Sub Token redemptions
  • Any other product purchases (Bits, Turbo, etc.)

Support a Streamer FAQ

Q: Where can I locate my campaign rewards once earned?

A: Upon earning rewards, the campaign redemption code will be dispatched to the user’s Twitch notification inbox. This inbox can be accessed via the top navigation bar on Twitch, situated to the right. The received codes will persist until manually deleted by the user.

Q: How do I purchase a subscription on Twitch?

A: Users must first log into Twitch, using either a web browser or mobile device. Purchases may be made on either a web browser or mobile device. Detailed information on purchasing subscriptions can be found here, and information on purchasing gift subscriptions can be found here.


Capcom Snapshots: Landscapes

Aug 16, 2024 // David Poole

Time to get the lay of the land with these Capcom Snapshots!

Two weeks ago, we asked everyone to take photos of the landscapes found in our games, and we love the various settings you decided to share. Take a look below to see some of the amazing set pieces from our games, with Resident Evil Village clearly being a favorite setting.

OguzhanSivri_ frames their shot like a perfect landscape painting of a scenic river in Resident Evil Village.

saikyodojo gets a great shot of the cityscape of Metro City in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour.

GrayFoxVP captures a mystifying monochrome image of Lady Dimitrescu’s castle in Resident Evil Village.

steph25nice gets a good look at the stunning vistas of Dragon’s Dogma 2.

lovers_nero takes a step back to witness the strange snowy village in Resident Evil Village.

itswong45 closes things out with a shot of a church in Resident Evil 4.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Street Fighter!

On August 30th, Street Fighter celebrates 37 years of powerful punches, lightning-fast kicks, and seeking strength as a World Warrior. To celebrate, we’re asking for in-game images that you feel truly represent the series, be it from Street Fighter 6, or from any point in the historic franchise. Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, August 28 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Show us the meaning of strength!


Play Monster Hunter Wilds, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, and more at PAX West and TwitchCon!

Aug 12, 2024 // Joseph Bustos

Capcom is bringing our exciting lineup of games to two upcoming events, including the first public hands-on demos for Monster Hunter Wilds in North America, and the global hands-on debut of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster!

PAX West

Capcom returns this year to PAX West, taking place in Seattle, WA from August 30 – September 2. Visit the Capcom booth to experience both a single-player story hunt and multiplayer hunt in the first North American public hands-on demo with the highly anticipated Monster Hunter Wilds. All attendees who play the demo will receive a special pin featuring the insignia of the Forbidden Lands Research Commission (while supplies last). 

Hunters at PAX West will also be treated to a photo opportunity at the booth, as well as mini-poster signing sessions with Monster Hunter Wilds Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto.

PAX West will also be the first global hands-on demo with Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, ahead of its digital launch on September 19, 2024. It’s your chance to experience the resurrected Willamette Parkview Mall as the one and only Frank West for the first time anywhere in the world.

Also at PAX West is Street Fighter 6, featuring the next character in Year 2 and the first-ever guest character in the Street Fighter series, Terry Bogard. MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics also joins the show! PAX West will mark the first time that MARVEL™ vs. CAPCOM® CLASH OF SUPER HEROES and MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ vs. STREET FIGHTER® will be playable in North America. They’ll be joined by X-MEN® CHILDREN OF THE ATOM, X-MEN™ vs. STREET FIGHTER®, and MARVEL™ vs. CAPCOM® 2 New Age of Heroes, which were previously playable at EVO 2024.

Attendees will also be able to go hands-on with the upcoming collection of Miles Edgeworth’s two adventures in Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, which releases on September 6, 2024 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Windows, and Steam.

Finally, Capcom heads to the PAX Main Theatre for an in-depth panel discussing our exciting lineup at the show. Join us on Sunday, September 1st at 3pm PT as Monster Hunter Wilds Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto takes the stage during to embark on an exploratory expedition of the game. We’ll also dive further into the world of Capcom with discussions on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, Street Fighter 6, MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, and Ace Attorney Investigations Collection.


Hot on the heels of PAX West is TwitchCon 2024, taking place in San Diego, CA from September 20-22.  Monster Hunter Wilds will be present at the show, playable on an appointment basis. A stunning photo opportunity will also be available to snap some memories from the show.

Creators attending TwitchCon can stream Monster Hunter Wilds from the show via three available streaming booths. Street Fighter 6 and Terry will also have one streaming booth available for creators.

In addition to fun activities at the Capcom booth, you’ll want to keep an eye out for the following events.

  • Sajam Street Fighter Slam Grand Finals: Are you ready for the most explosive fights at TwitchCon? Join FGC icon Sajam for the Grand Finals of the Sajam Slam! Watch teams of your favorite streamers with expert Street Fighter coaches fighting in the final rounds of this epic creator tournament hosted by Sajam.
    • When: Saturday, 21 September @ 11:00 AM
    • Where: Twitch Rivals Arena presented by State Farm
    • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Monster Hunter 20th Anniversary Creator Spotlight: Come and celebrate Monster Hunter’s 20th Anniversary with a look at the creators and culture that’s helped make it a fan-favorite gaming franchise for years to come – happy hunting!
    • When: Sunday 9/22 @ 11 AM
    • Where: Glitch Theater
    • Duration: 1 hour

From all of us at the Capcom team, we can’t wait to share our exciting lineup with you all in the weeks ahead. We look forward to seeing everyone at both PAX West and TwitchCon!


Capcom Pet of the Month: August 2024

Aug 07, 2024 // David Poole

This month’s Capcom Pet of the Month is too good to let go!

Meet Winnie, a “foster fail” that was just too special to give away. Found at a humane society at five weeks old, Winnie weighed only one pound and could easily fit in a sock at her size. She was taken in as a foster pup at what was originally a temporary home, but over five months later, Winnie is now a permanent member of the family.

Despite only being six months old, Winnie is quite the little genius. By the time she was six weeks old, she was already potty trained and could sit on command. She also seems to find herself enjoying the latest drama found on The Bachelor. While she may be a smart little pup, interestingly enough, she doesn’t know how to bark. Regardless, she’ll still find ways to communicate to those that love her.

When Winnie isn’t expanding her brilliant mind, you can find her sprinting up and down the hallway, taking a nap after spending all that energy, and chewing up slippers when she’s feeling extra rambunctious. You can also catch her playing dress up, having an extensive wardrobe to show off her many styles. She may not have been planned to be family, but she was family that was chosen.

Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to see the next Capcom Pet of the Month!


Capcom Snapshots: Kunitsu-Gami

Aug 02, 2024 // David Poole

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess takes center stage in these Capcom Snapshots!

Two weeks ago, we asked you to share your best shares from Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, and we have to say that the results did us proud. The unique art style and quirky nature of the game was brilliantly captured in our submissions, and we couldn’t wait to share these images with all of you.

secondcapture starts things off with an absolutely wonderful shot of Soh unleashing the Suzaku’s Flame Tsuba Guard skill.

Couch_Gamer2k23 shows a desolate image of Soh in front of a defiled Torii Gate.

MattyKunnn brings us an action-packed scene of Soh and many villagers taking on a wave of Seethe.

lovers_nero focuses on Yoshiro’s dance along the carved path. Looks like she has quite a journey ahead of her.

shasshin_ gives us a close up of Yoshiro, who seems to be in the middle of a brief prayer.

Nuriko_SF6 closes things off with a mysterious shot of some villagers, seemingly living their regular lives in a moment of calm.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Landscapes!

There are plenty of stellar landscapes to capture in our games, and we truly believe you can find some amazing shots for us to feature. Try focusing on a cool location and let it speak for itself as your subject. Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, August 14 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Go out there and get the lay of the land!


Capcom Snapshots: Masks

Jul 19, 2024 // David Poole

These Capcom Snapshots are a blessing in disguise.

Two weeks ago, we asked for your best Capcom photos featuring masks to gear up for the release of Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, and we were excited to unveil these amazing selections! Check them out below!

secondcapture kicks things off with a stunning close-up of our masked hero, Soh from Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

Leon_REBHFun has Leon S. Kennedy chillin’ with the Villain outfit and Skull Mask in Resident Evil 4.

2GrayFox3 gives a vicious shot of Akuma, enjoying a Sip of Calamity while in his masked Outfit 3 in Street Fighter 6.

SakharineDen uses a mask to don a disguise, likely to join the masquerade in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Pheeniex_ shares some poetic words from Godot, the iconic masked prosecutor from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Trials and Tribulations)

MattyKunnn closes things out with another shot of Soh, this time in the midst of battle in Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Kunitsu-Gami!

With Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess now available, we’re celebrating by featuring it as our new theme! Use the photo mode to get creative and show us your best shots of Soh, Yoshiro, the Seethe, and more! Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, July 31 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. Go forth and walk your path.


Bokksu x Capcom Snack Collection

Jul 18, 2024 // Joseph Bustos

Capcom and Bokksu are pleased to announce its Support a Streamer program for Twitch streamers live in two categories: Street Fighter 6 and Kunitsu-gami!

From 9 AM PT on July 18 to 11:59 PM PT on July 29, or until supplies last, Twitch viewers will receive a free Capcom recommended snack from Bokksu for gifting or buying 2 Twitch subscriptions (Prime Subs are excluded) of any tier to any streamers broadcasting in those categories. 

Note: The 2 subs must be purchased within the same category. For example, 2 subs for any participating streamer(s) streaming in the Kunitsu-Gami category to receive the reward code.

Offer and Redemption Flow:

Any single item in the “Bokksu x Capcom Snack Collection” delivered to you completely for free with free shipping, and no minimum purchase!

  1. Download the Bokksu Market App or navigate to Bokksu Market
  2. Login or register for an account
  3. Add any single item in the “Bokksu x Capcom Snack Collection” to your cart
  4. Add your unique code in checkout to get free shipping and one (1) free single item from the Capcom collection. If multiple items appear in the shopping cart, the Capcom item with the lowest value will be free.
    1. Code will appear in your Twitch Drops and Rewards section
  5. Note: The customer will have the option to add multiple items from Bokksu’s product offerings. Free shipping will apply to their entire purchase!
    1. Frozen items excluded from free shipping


  • Offer valid for US customers only
  • Reward code expires August 31, 2024

Support a Streamer FAQ

Q: How do I purchase a subscription on Twitch?

A: Users must first log into Twitch, using either a web browser or mobile device. Purchases may be made on either a web browser or mobile device. Detailed information on purchasing subscriptions can be found here, and information on purchasing gift subscriptions can be found here.

Q: Why have I not received rewards after subscribing to a streamer?

A: The campaign period is between July 18 9am PT to 11:59 PM PT on July 29. Subscriptions made before this period will not be eligible for rewards. Similarly, subscriptions made while the channel is not actively streaming Street Fighter 6 or Kunitsugami under the designated category will not count towards the campaign.

Q: Where can I locate my campaign rewards once earned?

A: Upon earning rewards, the campaign redemption code will be dispatched to the user’s Twitch notification inbox. This inbox can be accessed via the top navigation bar on Twitch, situated to the right. The received codes will persist until manually deleted by the user.

Q: After receiving the rewards, how do I redeem them in the game?


  • Retrieve unique code from Twitch
  • Download the Bokksu Market App or go to BokksuMarket.com
  • Login or register for an account
  • Add 1 single item from the Bokksu x Capcom Snack Collection
  • Go to Cart
  • Start Checkout
  • Under Order summary, enter unique discount code
  • Confirm free shipping and free single item (lowest value if multiple eligible items added)

*Should you encounter any issues, please submit a request at https://www.bokksumarket.com/pages/contact-us 


Capcom Snapshots: Bonds

Jul 05, 2024 // David Poole

Plenty of everlasting bonds to see with these Capcom Snapshots!

Two weeks ago, we asked you to show us some of the best bonds from our games, and you gave us some pretty great options to select from. Check out the wonderful friendships below!

mininotmimi shares a nice moment between Leon S. Kennedy and Ashley Graham, looking back at the experience they just shared in Resident Evil 4.

silentgear1 captures an iconic moment between Phoenix Wright and Mia Fey in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations)

Sir_Nordic spends some quality time in the pub with his pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

TheREALKoopaTV shows just how strong of a bond can be formed with your monstie, enjoying a moment of reprieve in Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin.

tobstobz gives us a look at their strengthening bond with Marisa in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour.

T4TASRY closes things out with Ryunosuke Naruhodo and Kazuma Asogi in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

Search #CapcomSnapshots on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook to find even more of our amazing entries.

Want to be featured in our next bi-weekly spotlight? In order to be eligible, please be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. Images must be your own from a Capcom game.
2. No explicit content.
3. Images cannot be altered or feature modified content.
4. Images must not contain any personal information.
By using the #CapcomSnapshots tag, you grant us permission to share your content and social media handle on our website and social media channels.

Next theme: Masks!

While Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess is still a couple weeks away, you can play the demo and use photo mode now! Masks play a vital role in the game, as they’re used to determine the role of your villagers. Of course, there are many masks among our titles, so show us your favorites! Please share your photos by 11:59 AM Pacific on Wednesday, July 17 using the hashtag #CapcomSnapshots for a chance to be featured in our next spotlight. We look forward to the upcoming masquerade.