Announcing the Mega Man 10 Package Art Contest
Mar 04, 2010 // jgonzo
In partnership with Capcom-Unity, Capcom Japan has just launched a global contest for Mega Man 10 in which you get to design the retro box art!
To help celebrate the launch of the latest entry in the Blue Bomber’s adventures, we’ve decided to put the creation of the game’s retro packaging in your hands! Your work may be featured in popular Japanese website NICONI COMMONS, a site that features artwork uploaded by users. In addition, the winner will have their package design made into a physical package and sent to them.
More prizes are planned so stay tuned!
Instructions and details on how to participate can be found over on the contest page (kindly translated into English).
Instructions are pretty simple! Hit the jump to see how to enter!
On Capcom-Unity, please upload your entry onto your public photo gallery:
1) Go to your profile page on Capcom Unity (www.capcom-unity/yourusername)
2) On the left hand side, under the navigation section, go to photos and select upload photo.
3) Upload your Mega Man (or Japanese Rockman) packaging template (the 4.9″ x 7” or 5.4″ x 3.8″ template available here) onto your photo gallery.
Once this is done, please send (me) jgonzo a private message via unity:
1) Go to my Capcom Unity page.
2) On the left hand side, below my avatar and the navigation menu, click on the mail icon to send me a private message.
3) In the subject, please write MEGA MAN PACKAGE CONTEST. In the body, please leave your name and a brief message explaining your entry.
Have fun!