Mega Man Legends 3 Dev Blog: Event #4: The Reaverbot
Jan 20, 2011 // GregaMan
Yes, those creepy but loveable robo-critters! For this event, we’ll be taking your design submissions for Reaverbots, those steadfast guardians of the ruins! Though it’s always been our art director Ishihara-san who’s handled the Reaverbot designs up until now, for Legends 3, we thought we’d throw some new ideas into the mix!
For this event, we’re looking for a Reaver of the four-legged, large variety. All other features, including setting, are up in the air, so start stimulating those creativity lobes, and may the ideas gush forth liberally!
About Reaverbots
It is unknown who created the Reaverbots or how far back they date, but one thing is clear—they will indiscriminately attack anyone who intrudes on the ruins. As a matter of fact, they are not limited just to the depths of the ruins, but have also been known to patrol ruin perimeters, protecting them from the outside. Naturally, they are seen by Diggers—whose livelihood depends on the treasure dug up in these ruins—as a mortal enemy.
The Reaverbots come in a vast variety of forms, from those that resemble machines or radar equipment to those that emulate the look and movement of fish or wild beasts. There are even some special varieties, such as gigantic Reaverbots which tower over human beings, as well as ones which perfectly imitate humans, being even capable of speech. Since Reaverbots drop refractors when destroyed, it is widely believed that these act as their power source.
Some Tips from Art Director Ishihara-san
Here’s a few pointers on Reaverbot design:
-It ought to have the kind of initial impact that makes players freak out when they see it for the first time: “What the crap?!”
-It’s good to have some kind of twist or gimmick in its design or structure. Something to make it look a little bizarre.
-Even if you’re going for a scary or “cool” design, it ought to have a dash of loveableness thrown in.
-It should have some kind of marking or pattern to give it sort of an “ancient” vibe. That’s probably a good start. I’d have to hire an assistant if I wanted to cramalam all my advice into this one post, but this should give you some good reference. But ultimately, just be free and have fun with it!
Entry Guidelines
Please follow the template below when submitting your concept for this four-legged, large Reaverbot. And because it bears repeating—PLEASE FOLLOW THE TEMPLATE. Submissions that do not follow the template will be deleted. For this event, we will only accept one submission per person.
Devroom Servbot Number:
You must have a Servbot Number to enter. Please PM me if you have any problems with this.
Reaverbot Name:
The name of your Reaverbot. Must be 10 characters or less.
Your supplementary explanation of the Reaverbot and any other comments you might have. Must be 100 words or less.
You may upload as many as three images. All images must be within 300kb (each) and must be in one of the following formats: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
Some common Reaverbot elements
(Top row from left): A horn or horns, a red eye, mysterious markings
(Bottom row from left) something resembling teeth, cylindrical parts with balled joints, something resembling a rooster’s crest, generally bizarre form
Selection Process and Deadline
The development staff will select one design out of all the submissions from Japan and North America. There will also be a number of runner-ups.
Valid Submission Period
We are tentatively planning to begin accepting submissions from now until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1st (dates and times subject to change).
All people who submit will be rewarded 5000 Unity Points. Runners-up will receive 10,000 Unity Points each and a special badge! The creator of the selected Reaverbot design will receive a whopping 30,000 Unity Points, a special badge, and a Premium Servbot Number (their choice from #1-#41)! Their name will also appear in the game’s credits!
Further Rules and Restrictions:
-You may collaborate, but only the person who submits will receive credit and prizing (i.e., only one of the collaborators).
-In the event that one user submits multiple submissions (PLEASE DON’T DO THIS), the most recent submission will be the only one considered.
-We will not acknowledge 1) submissions broken into several posts or 2) individual posts containing multiple submissions.
-If you wish to edit your submission, please delete the original submission and then repost the edited version.
-All images must be within 300kb (each) and must be in one of the following formats: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
-Transparent GIFs and transparent PNGs may not display properly.
– Selected submission may be subject to changes to the name, design, or color scheme.
-Threads that are not idea submissions will be deleted.