A Word from Web Director Kurosawa-san
Jan 20, 2011 // GregaMan
The following is a message from Web Director Kurosawa-san, filling in for your usual blogfolk.
Hello, everybody. Web Director Kurosawa here. Nice to meet you!
It seems neither Director Eguchi nor Kinako were available today, so I’m here as an emergency “pinch hitter”. Kinako told me I was the only one left to handle this, and even then I was hoping to ask Director Eguchi to do it, but then it turned out he was home with a cold. . . .
Frankly, I’m more of a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, but please bear with me. As a behind-the-scenes guy, I’ve got behind-the-scenes stories, not to mention some stories from quite a ways back, so I’ll try to keep you entertained. Come to think of it, I’ve got my share of little juicy tidbits, like how we came up with the “Hippopotamous” thing and how we began this Legends 3 project after a mysterious “brainstorming session” on fateful day last spring.
Anyway, let’s start with what’s going on today. As our first Devroom event for the new year, we’ve begun a “Reaverbot Design Event”! You gotta love those Reaverbots, with their perfect mixture of mystique and humor. I encourage all of you to come up with designs that’ll make even Ishihara, granddaddy of the Reavers, gasp with impressedness. Don’t forget to give them catchy names, too! Might help make them stick out in our minds.
Moving on, we’re planning to update the “Save Mega Man Rocket Project” page this coming Friday, so make sure you check it out!
I’d also like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you” once again to all you Devroom members who’ve been keeping in tune with all our Devroom content up until now. I’ve been looking over pretty much all the content that goes up on this Devroom, as well as overseeing the Japanese Twitter account and other Legends-related web activities in Japan, not to mention getting regular translations and reports on the state of the North American Devroom from the folks running the show over there.
Usnig all these things as reference, I’m frequently assessing and reassessing our plans in light of the needs of our users, and striving to improve the site in any way I can, so please keep on sending us your input! Of course, we web planners can’t take all the credit; there’s also the producer, the director, the webpage makers, the promoters and publicity staff, all of whom contribute to the process.
Personally, I’d like to start offering even more information from various members of our dev staff. But that means clearing a few corporate hurdles, so you’ll have to stay tuned. . . .
. . . Phew, sorry, my post got interrupted by a meeting! At the meeting, they were talking about how a certain person who we’ll call X-san (sort of a Boss Character around the office, if you know what I mean) was saying that the Devroom is still a little bit on the quiet side, so we need to start upping the information flow. In other words, now’s our chance to try a bunch of stuff!
Everyone at the meeting agreed that it’s time to start getting more assertive in our approach. We threw around some ideas, such as fixing a camera on the dev team floor, showing off some recently created game design documents including one for a certain “Mode” you may find interesting. I’ll be bringing these things up next Monday at our authorization meeting!
I’d also like to start releasing more info about the game and of course, screenshots! I’ll do my best to be quick about letting you know when we’ll be able to release such information. So stay tuned!
Phew. . . . Thanks guys!