Podcast: Lost Planet and why competitive ladder s
Nov 08, 2007 // s-kill
Indomitable Lost Planet specialis…
Indomitable Lost Planet specialis…
It’s that time again! Of course, I’m refering to the fact that it’s time for another Capcom focus test, where we ask regular game…
Some wise-acre gave all of th…
Comingsoon.net apparently has acquired the synopsis to the soon-to-start-filming Onimusha movie, and, by the looks of it, it doesn’t look hal…
Recently we sent out a call for Bay Area gamers to come to our offices and participate in Intel’s Lost Planet Focus Test, for which Intel s
My buddy Tim (aka Rice Burner) sent this to me. It’s sad that we share the same sense of humor. Although the video is a year old, I still lau…
From Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix producer Rey Jimenez:
This is the first part in an extended series of article…
We’ve got some new We Love Golf! screenshots to share with you. The game is definitely looking more and more appealing everytime we get some …
New Devil May Cry 4 shots !…
While we’re pretty sure no one is going to pass the bar exam just by playing Ace Attorney, curiosity still often begs the question of just w…