PWND: Gametrailers upstages Capcom Unity thanks to
Mar 20, 2008 // Kramez
A few days ago, Seth K posted what we felt were two amazing videos produced internally by Team Unity, where he provided narration for a set of anim…
A few days ago, Seth K posted what we felt were two amazing videos produced internally by Team Unity, where he provided narration for a set of anim…
As proof, check out our high-flying mobile team:
This is part eight in an extended series of articles from David Sirlin
News from Hollyweird: several more actors have been cast for the 2009 movie Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li that Capcom is producin…
This week the crew stirs up headlines by taking cheap shots at the voice acting in revered classic, Resident Evil 1. Featuring Voice Director Kris…
Get yer green on!
In case you’ve had trouble sleeping, my golden pipes are back to explain the intricacies behind the recent round of Crimson Viper screenshot…