Japanese trailer for Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li is live!
Dec 29, 2008 // Kramez
Mega Man digs deep into his arsenal from across the games to unload over 100 weapons to try and take out the hated …
Ever watch those kung-fu movies and wonder why the bad guys just line up to get beaten down by the hero? Ever think “Why don’t th…
If you want to say “Happy Hannukah” this year with a winged, lightning-bolty skull,
Not sure what can be said about the following. Brentalfloss, an avid youtube poster, has given us some quality Mega Man gems in the past, but…
Because nothing says “Happy Holidays” like a Raging Demon, here’s some beautiful Street Fighter IV action, featuring Momochi (Aku…
Judging from the amount of email that Seth, Shawn and Christian and I receive on a nearly daily basis, there are a lot of Marvel vs Capcom fans out…