Velkhana Brings a Cold Snap to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in Free Title Update 4!
Feb 01, 2023 // Joseph Bustos
Something chilling comes this way. We spilled all the of the icy details on Free Title Update 4 for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in the latest digital event! Watch the trailer below or read on to see what’s coming.
Born in a World of Ice
Anyone else just get a chill down their spine? Free Title Update 4 is coming to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak on Nintendo Switch and PC/Steam on February 7, and with it comes the return of the elusive Elder Dragon, Velkhana.
First introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, this Elder Dragon is a true master of ice, capable of controlling the cold to freeze everything in its path. Hunters who have spent some time in the Hoarfrost Reach will find this hunt familiar, of course with some new twists to discover in Sunbreak. For newcomers, keep an eye on its ability to freeze water particles in the air. These pillars of ice will hit hard, so follow its tendencies closely in order to triumph.

Get ready for an AMBUSH. We’ve sighted our fourth Risen Elder Dragon…and it’s sure to be a tough one. Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax has overcome the affliction and has emerged in an even more powerful form than before.

Use every trick at your disposal and display your hunting mastery in what is sure to be one of the toughest challenges in Sunbreak to date! As with previous Risen monsters, expect some new never-before-seen moves, as well as the ability to craft a new armor set with its materials.
Speaking of which, here is a look at the two new Velkhana and Crimson Glow Valstrax armor sets.

You can square off against Velkhana starting at MR 10, and Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax at MR 160.
The Anomaly Continues…
As with past Sunbreak Free Title Updates, we’re introducing some new Anomaly Research content to keep your endgame adventures going strong.
A8★ Anomaly Research quests are on the way. Included in this new rank are Afflicted Chaotic Gore Magala and Afflicted versions of previously introduced Risen Elder Dragons. They’ll start appearing from Anomaly Level 111 and above.
If you thought a standard Risen Elder Dragon was tough…well, you get the picture.

Defeat these highly powerful monsters and earn new materials that unlock the level cap for Qurious Crafting for weapons. You’ll be able to improve your weapons even further by increasing the number of Anomaly Slots at your disposal.
We’re also adding even more items at Bahari’s Anomaly Research Lab. Stock up on those Investigation Coins for what awaits!
By the way, this Free Title Update will also include a few additional quality of life additions for Anomaly Research. Previously, you needed to hunt the specified monster in order to make progress towards the Investigation Coin bonus. Now, all Afflicted monsters will count towards the request counter, but if you hunt the requested monster, you’ll receive a bonus. Also, the conditions will be adjusted to more regularly draw a lower quest level for the request.
Free Goodies
To celebrate the addition of Velkhana to Sunbreak, we’re giving out early access to a Palamute Velkhana layered armor! To get the Velkhana Costume, you’ll need to create a Capcom ID account and enter the giveaway before February 5 at 8pm PST.
Capcom ID is our unified account that includes services for a variety of Capcom games. Creating an account is free. The Velkhana Costume will also be available to other players at a later date.

Head to the official website for more details.
Even More Event Quests
We’ve got a bunch more Event Quests on the way, some of which will include new layered armor as rewards. If you’re not familiar with them, Event Quests are new free quests that are routinely added to the game on a near weekly basis.
In this round of Event Quests, we’ve got some intense Dual Threat quests on the way. In one of them, you’ll hunt down both a Seething Bazelgeuse and Chaotic Gore Magala at the same time. In another, Furious Rajang and the powerful Scorned Magnamalo await.
Here’s a quick sampling of some of the armor sets you can craft from completing them.

A Few “Animated” Friends…
Free Title Update 4 also introduces some additional DLC, including layered armor, gestures, poses, BGM, and more fun optional content to spice up your hunting life.
If you’ve been following Minoto’s Hunting Guide on our website and social media channels or taken a look at some of the art around Elgado, you might recognize a few 2D friends brought to life.
Believe it or not, the stars of the Hunting Guide: Lance Gunn, Ran Page, Pup R., and Kit T., are joining Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak as layered armor DLC. They’ve got quite a striking look and make one heck of an impression, so we hope you check it out.

A Look Ahead
That about wraps it up for Free Title Update 4! All of this content will be added for free to the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak on February 7. We hope you’re excited! Before we go, let’s look at the upcoming roadmap.

Hmm…it looks like Free Title Update 5 will be introducing a fearsome returning Elder Dragon. Guess we’ll have to wait until April to find out what it is!
Keep up to date with the official Monster Hunter Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts for the latest news, and please let us know what you think of Free Title Update 4.
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