You Asked, Daigo Answers (Part 1)
Jun 06, 2011 // s-kill
Before the E3 storm hits full power, here’s some of Daigo Umehara’s answers to YOUR questions from the recent submissions! Lots of good stuff here on his freakishly Ryu-esque inspirations, his MVC3 motivations, and even some very simple but 100% great advice on what you can do to level up your game.
Hit the jump for part 1!
1)”What do you listen to when you’ve got headphones on during a match? (Current theory: This -  www.youtube.com/watch?v=
CCNhdrhoa9g ” Pete
Daigo: Ha ha! Sorry, it’s nothing exciting 🙁 I don’t listen to anything. It’s a noise canceling device, so I play in a total silence in order to focus on my play.
2) Thanks for being an inspiration to me and thousands of other players out there! 1.) If there was 1 thing you could change in 1 game, what would it be? 2.) What current goals do you have set for yourself? What goals have you reached?
For first part, I don’t really look back on past events, but there are some occasions that I reflect on myself right after some match. I learn from it and try to make a use of my learning into a next match. That said, I don’t have anything I want to change happened in the past.
For goals? My goal has been the same since non-pro era. It is to win at EVO.
3) “Daigo, how do you “stay hungry” in the competitive scene? A lot of players, once they reach the top of their game in their local area, can sometimes grow bored of their competition and end up letting their game deteriorate. This can even happen to seasoned pros who constantly place top 3 at tournaments, or even number 1. However, you seem to be immune to this! Why is that? Do you have any advice for people who cannot always find an immediate challenge in their area?”
Daigo: For me to play a game means trying something new and pushing myself to a new boundary. What matters to me is not whether I can win, throw a cool combo, or just even simply have fun with a game. It also has nothing to do with what others think of me or my play, but how I feel. I keep pushing myself, and that’s what drives me. I don’t compare myself with others. My inspiration comes from the desire of wanting to challenge myself.
I think one’s motivation can be easily affected despite his or her will. I would like to advise the players who look for an inspiration and motivation that the inspiration lies within them. It may not be easy, but try to set your own goal and strive to get there as hard as you can. Championships, money, and fame may come and go. Your own personal desire to be the best you can be is the only source of continuous drive.
4) Why do you feel compelled to go after the Americans in what is “There game” and how do you feel any added pressure to perform at Evo2k11 because of this?
As I said earlier, what drives me to play a game is a spirit of challenging myself. I enjoy the challenge. I do recognize that the Japanese community is lagging behind the US players in MvC. I found playing MvC3 worthwhile my effort and set it as my new challenge for this year. I am a new challenger in the game scene, so I don’t particularly feel pressured. To do my best is all I have and I can do now.
To give myself a full challenge to myself, I am intending to play at a tournament where the top MvC players will come together. I am also still in training and should be ready very soon. I am competing for the first time this year in the US at ReveLation but will only fight at Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. My US MvC3 debut is coming soon and I look forward to facing all the strongest players then.
5) “What advice would you give to an intermediate SSF4 player looking to move up to pro/tournament level? Is there any specific training one should be doing?”
Daigo: Anyone, even a “top” player, gets nervous and makes more mistakes at a big tournament. In order to minimize those mistakes, you should diligently practice commands. I think that is the most effective training. The same can be said for anyone who aims to become a pro.
Luck plays a role in one’s victory or loss at any level – that’s something beyond one’s control. But in the areas I do control, like my execution ability, as a pro, I should not make mistakes. That is at least the obvious element required of me, which gives me an entitlement to call myself a pro. I would say a requirement for moving up to a pro or big tournament level is the same thing – to minimize mistakes.