The Return of the 8-bit on 3DS
Jun 06, 2011 // Snow
Dark Void’ Zero rockets to Nintendo’s cool little handheld via the Nintendo 3DS eShop today!
In case you haven’t heard, in this critically acclaimed 8-bit de-make, you play as Rusty, warrior test-pilot and Nikola Tesla’s trusted ally. With the help of your state-of-the-art rocket pack, blast through three deliciously retro levels of baddies in your quest to close Portal X and save the human race!
Oh, and of course, music is (still) created and performed by the one-and-only Bear McCreary , of Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles fame. Curious about the score? Cruise on over to Bear’s blog and check out the insane-o antics that brought the music to life.
(Spoiler alert: It involves an NES, a MIDI interface, and lots of wires, switches, and flashing lights.)
And speaking of music, we might just have a few freebies lying around here that we’re looking to give away. Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks. Some fun and exciting news might just be headed your way. 😉
9/10: It succeeds in virtually every aspect of its execution, and if you own a DSi [or a 3DS!] this fantastic piece of software is an absolute must-own.
4/5: The DSi needs more games like [Dark Void Zero]. You know, to fill the Void.
Job well done, Capcom. Job well done.
Awww, we’re blushing.
Dark Void’ Zero retails for 500 points on the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS eShop. Rise on!