X The Line episode 2: Talking Street Fighter X Tekken with Clockw0rk
Nov 10, 2011 // Minish Capcom
The second installment of our ongoing “X The Line” series has just hit YouTube! This episode features a lengthy interview with pro player Daniel “Clockw0rk” Maniago, who offers his thoughts on the unique gameplay elements of Street Fighter X Tekken, and how both sides have new tricks to learn…
Early on, Clockw0rk explains that, even though SFxT initially looks similar to Street Fighter IV, the underlying mechanics make it a totally different experience. Same goes for Tekken players, who now have to contend with projectile attacks from the SF crew – but as he says, Team Tekken has an answer for Sonic Booms and Fireballs.
Check the full video for those topics, plus a quick note on the newly announced Gem System, as well as the next phase of our “X The Line” Facebook contest. Head over to the official page for details on how you can enter and win. Lots of cool stuff is on the line!
Via CapcomSF YouTube channel