A Day With Dante Photoshop Contest
Nov 10, 2011 // GregaMan
Hey guys. You know, it’s a funny thing about Dante of the upcoming Devil May Cry HD Collection . Being half-demon, he performs a lot of feats than seem larger than life. But what about his day-to-day routine? Surely he still puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. And what about toilet paper? He must go out and buy toilet paper once in awhile, unless half-demons are exempt from. . . well, nevermind.
The point is, the DMC series has left a lot of gaps in Dante’s characterization, and I reckon it’s up to you guys to fill those gaps–with photoshopped images! Photoshop Dante images into everyday scenes and show us what he’s up to during his off time.
Details after the jump.
“A Day With Dante” Contest
Who: You are eligible to enter if 1) you are a legal resident of one of the fifty United States (including Washington D.C. (holla)) and 2) you are at least 18 years old.
What: This is a photoshop contest. Specifically, we want you to photoshop images of Dante into everyday scenes. Perhaps mowing the lawn; attempting to drive; shopping at a local bodega; enjoying a shish kebab; or just plain having a good sit.
Submissions must:
-Contain Dante
-Be 11” x 17” at 300 dpi
-Be submitted in JPG, PNG, BMP, PDF, AI or PSD format
Also, nothing obscene or offensive, though low-brow humor involving Dante’s patented “Stinger” move is more than welcome. Just keep it PG-13.
When: Valid entry period is from now until December 6, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
How: Submit your image via private message on Unity to me– GregaMan –also including your full name, mailing address, and preferred email address.
Prizing: One winner, selected by Capcom staff, will receive a DVD a the complete Devil May Cry anime collection on Blu-Ray.
For the masochostic or thorough individual, Official Rules can be viewed here .