Wyzen’s Finger is a Way of Life
Sep 16, 2011 // GregaMan
(Via Capcom Unity Japan )
Not to drive the point into the ground like the proverbial Wyzen’s finger into the proverbial Asura’s face, but Wyzen’s finger is soooo mighty. First seen descending menacingly from outer space at last year’s TGS, Wyzen’s enormous, molten-hot index finger is back, this time in the form of swag!
TGS-goers who try out the Asura’s Wrath playable demo and then do their best imitation of the finger will receive exclusive Wyzen’s Finger cell phone wipers. I’m so jealous I could punch a finger until most of my arms shatter.
Oh yeah, and we’ve got new screenshots!
to be continued …
[Edited By Moderator]