Unity Auctions: DMC Banner, RE Watch, and TvC Cards!
Jan 29, 2010 // Snow
This week we’ve updated the auctions with more goodies from our seemingly never ending vault of swag. Up top we have a Devil May Cry 4 banner we used for various events. I can’t tell you how big it is exactly, but for size there’s a PS3 controller there to give you an idea.
Next is a full set of TvC cards! Yes, the full set. These are hot, and it’s the last set I have. So get it while they’re still here.
Finally there’s a super rare Resident Evil 4 watch. Again, it’s the only one we have in the office. I have no idea where it came from, but Randy brought it over here to give away on auctions. So thanks to Randy, here’s an uber rare watch!
And I always say this just in case you happen to be new to auctions, but it’s pretty simple. You get Unity points for free by being a member here, you can then spend those points on the auctions page and if you win we ship the swag to you, for free!
Being a fan on Unity = Unity Points = Free Swag!