Mega Man 10 Sheep Man Art Contest: Poll Is Now Open!
Jan 29, 2010 // jgonzo
The Sheep Man art submission deadline has passed and now it’s up to all of you to vote for your favorite! There were two videos that we couldn’t embed directly onto the poll (if you are submitting videos, PLEASE upload them to youtube), and they both can be found after the break.
Also, there’s a new forum thread for all you artists and fans to discuss the weekly contests here . Use it to swap advice or discuss your favorite fan submissions!
As for today’s hint for next week’s robot master? I’m sure you’ll be hearing it around the horn with the next tape measure blast.
VOTE: As always, you can vote by clicking HERE. 1 vote per person so choose wisely!
You can find all the entries in my public photo gallery as well.
Hit the break for the two videos mentioned in the poll.
Andrew’s Submission
Hardcore Hecxz’s entry (supplement)