Ultra SFIV balance update questionnaire requests Bonus Edition Part 3
Aug 09, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
As you know, the Ultra Street Fighter IV update is due for early 2014, and to highlight some of the balane changes, we’ve got another update from Street Fighter producer Ayano-san:
Hello everyone, Tomoaki Ayano here!
So again this week I’d like to continue highlighting some of the more…unusual requests we got during the balance update questionnaire.
Please make Rose…well, better-looking. Also, why is she the only female character who gets her chin put on blast during the Shin Shoryuken? What’s up with that!
Ayano: We got quite a few comments about Rose’s face during the questionnaire. This one was interesting in that it got specific about her face during the Shin Shoryuken (don’t forget Ryu’s Metsu Shoryuken as well!). You guys sure are perceptive! But Rose isn’t the only female character who gets the jaw adjustment—Makoto also gets chin-checked as well!
Please give Gouken a cute alternate costume.
Ayano: All of the costumes we’ve given Gouken so far have been based on the fact that he’s Ryu and Ken’s master, and that he’s a sage-like old man. But you know, one cute outfit wouldn’t be too bad, would it? What do you mean when you say “cute” though? There are a lot of options. Sakura’s sundress and Cammy’s cat-ear bodysuit are definitely cute, but that’s not what you had in mind…is it?
His jump and walk speed are too slow, so please speed them up. Ninjas are all about speed, right?
Ayano: I can’t say much about the jump, but his walk speed is on par with the average. I imagine most people feel it’s slow because of the idea that ninjas should be fast. Even if he has an average walk speed, he’s got the run and other tricky movements that make him pretty ninja-like, right? There are actually quite a few ninjas in Street Fighter, so we’re trying to adjust his gameplay to keep him unique and not just depend on fast movements.
I cannot block Machinegun Blow. Did you make this move unblockable or something? Please fix it immediately!
Ayano: Well, there’s nothing we have to do on *our* end as the move isn’t unblockable. Maybe you need to work on your blocking skills? 🙂 Once Dudley steps forward the move comes out pretty fast, so if you try to block it on reaction you might not be able to do it in time. Try blocking if you think your opponent is going to do it and see what happens from there.
Please make my Juri cuter.
Ayano: With her facial features, model, personality, and other unique features, I think Juri is pretty cute already! If you’re talking about just her personality, well…she certainly does leave an impression! She’s the perfect fit for a fighting game, don’t you think!
That’s it for this week. See you again next time!