First Capcom Cup 2013 SSF4 Qualifiers
Aug 09, 2013 // haunts
Alright, alright! I know we’ve been a little quiet on details for the Capcom Cup since EVOLUTION 2013 but I have some big news to share with you guys in regards to the SSF4: AE Ver. 2012 qualifiers. We have two coming up very soon in different parts of the world so hit the jump to find out where they’re located!
TRETA CHAMPIONSHIP AFTERMATH – September 7th-8th – Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Brazil was the location of one of the hypest tournaments for the SF25th qualifiers last year and we expect no less this year! Will Brazil’s finest suchs as Breno Fighters, Pain Ludo and ChuChu be able to defend their turf against the likes of Sakonoko and other international heavy hitters? First place winner of the SSF4 AE Ver. 2012 gets a spot in Capcom Cup tournament.
THE FALL CLASSIC – September 14th-15th – Raleigh, NC, USA
The Fall Classic has been one of the most anticipated East Coast tournaments of the year and we are very proud to be teaming up with them to bring you what we feel will be one of the most insane qualifiers of the event! Players from all over the US are already set to compete at TFC but with first place winner in SSF4 receiving a place in the Capcom Cup tournament, who knows who else may swoop in and try to take the spot?