Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Video now in Delicious Bite-Sized Format
Mar 02, 2010 // s-kill
Magnetro has been hard at work for the MVC2 community and has uploaded Joo’s entire 8+ gig monster MVC2 vid to his youtube channel . That means this lifetime masterwork now comes in more conveniently bite-sized chunks that you can embed and watch at your leisure. Huzzah!
You can find some background on the video (and some direct download links) here , or go straight to the youtube fun .
For anyone not a part of the MVC2 magic already, you can pick up the game on XBL for 1200 points, and PSN for $14.99 (and if you didn’t notice, SF HD Remix is on sale on PSN this week for only $7.49!).