Resident Evil 5 “Desperate Escape” Developer Answers and Chibi Majini T-Shirt Winners Part 2
Mar 01, 2010 // jgonzo
The latest batch of questions from you folks in the community for the upcoming RE5 DLC episode “Desperate Escape” have been selected by RE5: Gold Edition’s director Anso-pan and associate producer Suzuki-san. If they answered your question below, congratulations! You win a chibi Majini shirt! Send me a private message to collect your prize!
Desperate Escape will be available for download THIS WEDNESDAY (3/3/10) for the Xbox 360 (400 MS points) and THURSDAY for the PS3 ($4.99).
Read on for the insightful Q&A that Anso-pan and Suzuki-san had with folks from the community!
Brian asks: What was your favorite part, or part you are most proud of in Desperate Escape?
Answer: The part I like best is the scene at the telecommunication facility. We tried to create a scene that looks familiar, but is equally new to players. This was done by mixing the event scene included in the original RE5 with a new scene created for Desperate Escape. Was Josh there beside Jill at that moment in the original? That’s the mystery and the sensation we wanted to capture. We hope the players enjoy the excitement.
Chris asks: As Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape begin to fill in the gaps of the RE5 story, were there any other parts of the game plot where you felt could have been expounded on? or that you wanted to include but couldn’t?
Answer: The story of what happens to Josh after leaving Chris and Sheva at the ruin still hasn’t been told. Also, the duties of Sheva and Josh prior to the RE5 time period is not covered either. They probably have a lot to tell, so a Co-op story of Sheva/Josh pair could have also been interesting.
eskimo bob asks: After now having made a little more action-oriented Resident Evil game and then adding DLC that brings back some of the survival horror vibes found in earlier titles, which type have you felt is more difficult to make?
Answer: Horror-oriented games are much harder to make when mixed with Co-op game play. But we still decided to go for it, kind of like an experiment, since this episode was going to be DLC. The volume was just right for this kind of challenge.
Co-op play creates many different types of difficulties. For instance, it is hard to coordinate moves, and simply having a teammate tends to destruct the tension we intend to create. Making this DLC was similar to feeling our way around in the dark, but we made it. We feel that it was worthwhile trying it out.
EvilSuperSean asks: As you’ve said before, Lost in Nightmares paid homage to the original RE. Did the team have any particular games in the series in mind as they worked on Desperate Escape?
Answer: We aimed to create the ultimate challenge with Desperate Escape for RE5 fans. We included lots of action content, in particular at the Professional difficulty level, which is almost impossible even for the developers to clear. We also tried to make RE5 fans happy by creating a scenario that includes new events that overlap with ones players are familiar with from the original RE5 storyline.
SpeedBrkr asks: Josh has a lot of cool wrestling moves like elbow drops and suplexes, what prompted the team to incorporate them in his arsenal of close combat moves? It certainly would be interesting if he had a pro wrestling background.
Answer: The actual reason… we have a professional wrestling fan in charge on our team…. Let’s set that aside for now (lol)! I don’t think there is a chance that Josh has a pro wrestling background, but there might be a chance that he is a fan.