This Here Helper Robot Looks Awfully Familiar
Jan 19, 2012 // GregaMan
(From The Mega Man Network )
Japanese robot manufacturer Raytron has developed a sort of voice-activated pet robot called “Chapit,” and boy is it cute. I mean, don’tcha think?
Chapit’s name is an amalgam of ideas at the foundation of its concept, as explained on Raytron’s website:
-“Cha” from the word chat, because Chapit is capable of realistic speech and voice recognition.
-“pi” from the word pico, signifying its smallness.
-“t” from the word robot. Not sure how that word is relevant. Oh wait.
The site also explains that Chapit nobly sets out to alleviate some of the strain of daily living for the elderly by remotely controlling their electrical appliances. It is an aging nation, after all.
As illustrated by this handy Venn diagram, the Chapit is equal parts friendly, simple, and convenience. Yes. No word yet as to how much of the Chapit is cop. Aha. But hey, at this point in the blog you’re probably wondering what this is doing on a Capcom site, or else you’ve already figured it out. It’s just that, this thing bears a striking resemblance to Capcom’s own Data, the lovable dancing scamp from the Mega Man Legends games. Observe!
I mean it’s uncanny! Same beady eyes, spherical features, and toilet bowl body. The only thing it’s missing is Data’s adorable cleft maw. Anyway, an hilarious Legends reference seems apt right about now, but TMMN’s Heat Man already had that covered better than I could ever hope to, so I’ll just cite:
” No word yet if it can dance, start a fire in your kitchen, or back up your memory to prevent it from being scanned by an oppressive computer system installed in a dead artificial paradise.”
Any of those features would bump this baby up to an insta-buy for me. Especially the setting fires one.
*Note: Chapit not to be confused with the chabbit, which, uhhhhh. . . .