The Weekly Mega Man 10 Robot Master Fan Art Contest: Week 5 – Nitro Man
Feb 15, 2010 // jgonzo
A stunt robot featured in numerous movies and TV shows. If the director says to do something, there’s not a stunt he won’t do, no matter how dangerous. On a motorcycle, his technique is pure genius. He is also the president of a robot stunt club of which there are 60 members. Nitro Man transforms into a motorcycle! He chases Mega Man at a furious speed!
This week’s Robot Master fan art challenge is Nitro Man! The clue was that the next robot master was appropriately colored for Valentine’s Day (red), so I hope it wasn’t too difficult.
As always, the winner of this week will receive copies of Udon’s Mega Man: Official Complete Works and Mega Man X: Official Complete Works! They will move on to the final round at the end of this mega contest to compete against other winners for a Mega Man sketch signed by Inafune or Ariga!
Deadline is this Friday 11AM PST (no exceptions!) for this contest!
To enter: Send me a private message with a link to your artwork with the subject: Nitro Man Art Submission !
If you are submitting videos, pleas upload them to youtube. As always, models, papercrafts, etc, are all considered art as well so feel free to think outside the box!
Discuss ideas, art, or anything for the contest here .
Finally, previous winners ARE eligible to submit again. They will win the weekly prize if they win again, but they will only get one spot in the finals.
Good luck everyone!