Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All – available on WiiWare today!
Feb 15, 2010 // Mega Mike
Did someone say Ace Attorney? We have a lot of stuff happening this week! First off Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All arrives on WiiWare today! Details below:
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney®: JUSTICE FOR ALL
Publisher: Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) – Blood, Mild Violence, Suggestive Themes
Price: 1,000 Wii Points’
Description: Phoenix Wright is back as the second game in the popular Ace Attorney hand-held franchise comes to the WiiWare service. As Phoenix Wright, you’ll play through four shocking new cases in first-person perspective. The game features two unique game play modes. In Investigations Mode, you’ll survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence. You’ll then present findings, listen to testimonials and examine witnesses in Court Mode. JUSTICE FOR ALL also includes a new “Psyche-Lock” feature that allows Phoenix to use a line of questioning to reveal inconsistencies in witness testimony.
Look for loads more Ace Attorney informtation this week as Miles Edgeworth prepares to take center stage!