The Top Ten Color in Servbot Entries
Sep 09, 2010 // Snow
A few weeks ago we held a contest for you to Color in Serbot. We took all of you entries and put them up in a poll for Unity to vote on . The results are in, and we have our winner! Instead of just showing the number one, we’ve put up our top ten for you to see. Nice work to all of you who entered! These drawings will come in handy when we produce our Servbot Army and take over the world.
Top ten Servbots below.
10) sergo
9) ch4n
8) ircoops
7) dankinginthedarkness – entry 3
6) chizel – entry 5
5) paladinja
4) tonycereal27
3) steveace89
2) yawaru
And finally our winner!
1) jevangood
Congrats to Jevangood for winning the contest, and thank you to everyone who entered!