Capcom Unity’s Favorite Monsters
Sep 09, 2010 // Snow
A while back we had a survey here on Capcom-Unity asking all of you fans about one of your most loved games, Monster Hunter. You can see the survey here , and there was a LOT of data from all of you. It took a long time to compile all the information you sent from private message format to something we could use. Thank you so much for all of your answers! You guys rock!
I figured I could share some of the more interesting bits of info with you guys. Today I’ll just touch on one: Unity’s Favorite Monsters! Like I said, there were SO many responses. Too many to count. Either way here’s a few compiled thoughts from you guys when you picked your favorite monsters:
Yian Kut-ku (voted 13.7%): As one of the first monsters you fight in the older games, the Kut-ku was memorable to most of you as the first monster to present a challenge. With beginner gear, the Kut-ku can is the first REAL monster to come and beat the crap out of you.
Nargacuga (voted 8.2%: The icon of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, the Nargacuga lives up to the hype around him. He’s one of the fastest monsters in the game. He’s highly unpredictable, and constantly a challenge. Among the top callouts from you fans was tons of praise about his unique design.
Rajang (voted 6.35%): The roar of the Rajang was brought out as bone chilling. He’s one of the few monsters that completely changes when enraged, going from a simple brown to a full fur coat glowing like gold. Aside from fast attacks that keep you on your toes, the sheer power in his attacks send you flying in the air.
Rathalos (voted 5.8%): The icon of Monster Hunter games. What would Monster Hunter games be like if there was no Rathalos?
Deviljho (voted 5.5%): Monster Hunter Tri introduced the Deviljho as literally the scariest monster to exist. In fact, many times you see him he’s not even a part of the quest. He’s just there waiting to surprise you. He’s powerful, and will literally pin you down and try to eat you. Poisonous drool, breath strong enough to kill, a body covered in scars of past battles, and an insatiable hunger. Even other monsters run from him.
Khezu (voted 5%): The Khezu brings memories to many hunters as the beast with no music. The music of battle starts when a monster sees you, but since the Khezu has no eyes, you fight him in dark caves in an erie silence. Strong electrical attacks give hunters their first taste at an other worldly like monster.
Stay tuned for more results from the survey next week!