The Great Ghost Trick T-Shirt Facebook Giveaway
Jan 05, 2011 // jgonzo
A few months ago, we announced the winner of our Ghost Trick T-shirt contest (congrats again to Capcom Unity member yuuhiko!) and now we’re ready to start giving them away!
Hit the jump to find out how to get one!
First, “like” the official Ghost Trick page on Facebook . Then, from now until January 11th at 10AM (launch day), update your facebook status with a one or two sentence review of the Ghost Trick flash demo and a link to the actual demo . Please include THIS EXACT link address in your status update: tinyurl.com/37hypcz .
So a sample update would read something like this:
jgonzo: “This Ghost Trick demo is awesome! I highly recommend it to Ace Attorney and puzzle fans! tinyurl.com/37hypcz .”
We’ll then randomly choose winners and try to contact you for your name, address, and shirt size. You can update your status as many times as you’d like but you’re only able to win ONE t-shirt.
Have fun, and good luck!
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