Run it Back: The Road to SoCal Regionals
Jan 05, 2011 // jgonzo
Street Fighter fans are a passionate bunch and passionate people produce incredible projects such as this. This here (video is age gated so you must be signed in to Unity) represents the third part of a documentary by Zaid Tabani AKA RedrappeR called Run it Back: The Road to SoCal Regionals. You can check out the previous two episodes (NSFW language) here and here .
From Zaid himself: This episode is the last. We finally head to SoCal Regionals to see how James, Brett, and Jorge fair. At the same time, we have interviews from Daigo, Seth Killian, Mike Watson, Tokido, and a whole slew of other people on the magic of the old days, and the beauty of arcades.
via Shoryuken