The Capcom Unity Trophy/Achievement Unlocked Contest!
Jul 12, 2010 // jgonzo
As a company, we’ve made a LOT of games. It’s difficult to remember a time before our games had achievements and trophies, but it’s true. Games like Okami, Resident Evil 4, God Hand, and Devil May Cry 1-3 were created before Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. Recently, we stumbled onto this humorous article over at Game Crave .
Well, since we have some awesome prizes to give away, this got us thinking…wouldn’t it be cool to create a contest for the best, creative fan-made trophy/achievement for some of our classic PS2-era games? What if Okami, Resident Evil 4, or Monster Hunter (for the PS2) had achievements?
Hit the jump for examples, details, deadlines, and prizing!
For example:
Resident Evil 4: “What are ya buyin’?” Trophy/Achievement unlocked when you make the merchant say this 200 times.
Okami: “Nice Things!” – Collect all 100 beads in the game
Monster Hunter: “Ironbeard’s Delight” – Take down 2 monsters larger than yourself in under 3 minutes without getting damaged.
How to submit:
We want your most brilliant, creative ideas! Please leave a comment with the name of the achievement and a brief description about how to obtain it! You can submit one trophy/achievement per game.
Winners will be selected for each category (Resident Evil 4, Okami, and Monster Hunter) and the results will be announced at a future date!
Prizing for each category is as follows:
For RE4: Three RE5 Figures
For Okami: 2 Okami-themed t-shirts, Okamiden wristband, Okami Calligraphy Board
For Monster Hunter (PS2): Wii controller skin, Lagiacrus fossil model kit, and Monster Hunter mini-weapon.
The contest ends this Thursday on July 16th at 11:59PM PDT!
Good luck!