Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: PTX-40A Party!
Feb 08, 2010 // s-kill
First up is ScrewAttack’s Destin talking up the raw awesomeness of the TvC’s Lost Planeteer: the PTX-40A and his (apparently) unbeatable chainsaw hand. Not just any chainsaw hand either–that saw is bigger than the entire body of most of his opponents (and you thought getting hit with a regular chainsaw was bad enough).
And just in case you think the PTX-40A really is unbeatable, here’s one of the best PTX players in America, but unfortunately for him he’s facing his character’s worst nightmare: a Tekkaman/Tekkaman Blade tag team (the “Tekkamen”).
Tekkaman is the PTX’s natural enemy, and T. Blade might be even worse–kudos to Il.nd for his great showing against tall odds!