Capcom Community Team Presents: Our Favorite Strike Man and Commando Man Submissions
Feb 08, 2010 // jgonzo
Last week the Capcom Community team highlighted our favorite Sheep Man submissions that didn’t win the grand prize and this week, we’re doing the same with the Strike Man submissions . These are just the pieces that we each really liked.
In addition, we didn’t get to do this for Commando Man so we went back to those submissions and highlighted our favorites from those as well. Any of the submissions selected by the community team will be given special recognition at the end of this mega contest.
What about your favorites (for Strike Man and Commando Man)? Let us know in the comments and/or discussing here in the forums.
Without further ado, hit the jump for our picks!
Strike Man
Seth ( s-kill ): This one by Tabby made me actually laugh out loud. The art is solid, and although the “baseball card” concept was seen in a number of other submissions, this backstory, details, and humor here are really top notch. It also went the extra mile by printing up a real, high-quality version of the card—color me impressed.
Shawn ( Snow ) :This particular piece by Matthew really stuck with me as one of my favorites. It’s focused on bring out the action in Strike Man, and it was done really well. The style and pose the artist used makes him look like an official mascot for a pro team.
Joveth ( jgonzo) : Even though I really liked Mike’s entry, I chose Rousteinire’s art because I love all the nuances in such a seemingly still image. Rousteinire was also my pick last week (when he submitted as Min). It looks as though this could have been concept art for a fantastic Mega Man animated movie.
Commando Man
Seth ( s-kill ): This one by Bon3s plays it pretty straight, but I liked the posing on the figure in particular. You get a real sense of the weight of the cannon, but also the kind of swagger that it takes to rise above the pack and be one of Wily’s Robot Masters.
Shawn ( Snow ) : Love the technique that 07 used here. Commando Man looks menacing, but in a “I’m a cool guy who doesn’t look at explosions” kind of way. It’s my new desktop wallpaper.
Joveth ( jgonzo) : This one was my PC wallpaper for a really long time. I love the way Ivan used a propaganda theme with Commando Man’s menacing look. The style is also very clean and unique. A winner for me 🙂