Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Combo Explosion
Mar 04, 2010 // s-kill
People love their TvC, and it makes my heart happy. Obviously “versus” play is the delicious candy center of the whole game, but you can also have a ton of fun just experimenting with combos and crazy moves.
One of the best places to start for TvC combos is TvC nut Tragic’s youtube channel . It’s full of some impressive finished combos, but also has some works-in-progress that help show how some of the basic elements and techniques in a crazy combo can work.
We’ve got Alex up above, but Trag has something for almost every character over at his channel, so check em out, and by all means if you haven’t picked up this game, go and get it now. The people have spoken, and they love it 🙂
Thanks to Keits for the reminder to check back in with Tragic!