Sven to IGN: “I love the PC, just quit stealing our stuff!”
Aug 06, 2008 // Kramez
Of course, if all the damn pirates out there keep BT-ing the living daylights out of our PC projects, does it really make sense for a company like Capcom to release PC games at all? It’s always a few knuckleheads ruining it for everyone, isn’t it?
Glorious VP Christian Svensson has spoken out on our own forums on the topic of PC sales several times, with recent focus placed on PC release of Devil May Cry 4. IGN picked up on Sven’s Ask Capcom posts on Unity about the topic and hit him up with several more direct questions. As usual, Christian answered with full candor on a number of topics, including digital distribution (a subject near and dear to his heart), Capcom’s past rep with PC gamers for shoddy ports, console vs PC sales and more. Read all about it here, Svenfans. It’s always nice to see discussions begun on Unity moving out into the world at large.