From Unity to Employee

Aug 06, 2008 // Snow

Hey everyone. I’d like to introduce myself; my name is Shawn Baxter, and I’m the new Community Specialist here at Capcom! I figure I could tell you about how I got here, since most of you know me as just a simple member of right here, Capcom Unity. 

I’ve always been a fan of Capcom ever since I can remember (my first game was DuckTales on NES , woot!). And as my interest in Capcom games went on, I ended up being extremely interested in Lost Planet . With the release of the Online Demo for 360, I was lucky enough to meet some of the Capcom Employees online , and I played with them quite often (mostly because I love kicking their butts. It pleases me). One of the first things they directed me to was Unity. I joined right away, and got to posting. I was thrilled to meet other fans just like me. 

Eventually, other opportunities were opened to me to meet more people at Cacpom, and be involved with some projects. I was promoted to a Public Moderator, and started receiving projects to design themes and such for the 360, PS3, and PSP. 

Because of my spastic posting tendencies, I was invited to attend Captivate08 in Las Vegas . There I met in person all the guys and girls from Capcom who I new from the online community. It just so happened that my predecessor, Chris, was heading to China to pursue a new career. A couple months after Captivate, I received a phone call about an offer of employment to work at Capcom. As you can imagine, I freaked out man. After my dance that resembles a giddy school girl, I accepted the offer, and started my 33 hour drive from the Chicago area to the Bay Area. 

So basically, I was able to make my dream job at Capcom come true by simply being an active fan on capcom-untiy.com . How cool is that? 

There’s tons more to my story, so if you want to hear it, hit me up online sometime. My gamertag is; Snow Infernus, and my PSN ID is; Snow_Infernus

See you online!
