Strider ninjas way through TGS crowds
Sep 25, 2013 // GregaMan
The upcoming Strider got its first consumer hands-on at TGS last week, amidst the typically flamboyant grandeur of the Capcom booth. Check out these pics from the event.
↑Booth staff sets up, surrounded by art and screens from the Strider serise.
↑An enormous banner adorns the entrance to the Strider area.
↑Art from Strider games past and present. I want all of these!
↑A staffer gets acquainted with the new game’s mechanics.
↑Awesome posters featuring old and new key art. I want these too!
↑Sleek displays for the PS4 version.
↑Visitors immerse themselves in the Strider demo.
↑With TGS attendance at an all-time high, visitors waited for more than an hour to get hands-on time with Strider.
↑The Sony booth, which also featured the Strider demo, was well-staffed.
↑Costumed staffers get to know the game.
↑ Costumed staffers pose with Producer James Vance.
↑ Everybody likes Strider.
↑A classy Strider sign.
↑Nice that we live in an age where you can play some games while you wait to play some games.
All in all, I think they did the game justice! Can’t wait to get this game into the hands of stateside fans. Shouldn’t be too long now. . . .